Press Release
ClassNK grants Innovation Endorsement for Products & Solutions to Cyclone Type Microplastic Collection Device developed by MOL and MIURA
21 November 2023
Tokyo - ClassNK has granted its Innovation Endorsement*1 for Products & Solutions to a Cyclone Type Microplastic Collection Device “HQ-100*2/HQ100B*3” developed by Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. (MOL) and MIURA CO., LTD. (MIURA).
The companies describe that Cyclone Type Microplastic Collection Device “HQ-100/HQ-100B” efficiently collects microplastics (MPs)*4 without blocking the vessel’s piping, by centrifugally separating MPs in seawater with a cyclone separator. It can collect MPs at all times from the seawater line, which is constantly taking in water, and treat all the backwash water from the ballast water treatment system. It can also be installed in the cooling seawater line, and since the treated seawater can be returned to the raw water line, there is almost no impact on the existing system. Daily operations on the vessel are simple, requiring only the cleaning of the MPs collection strainer. In addition, a polyethylene lining with excellent corrosion resistance is adopted for the inner surface treatment of the cyclone separator.
ClassNK has verified the functions of Cyclone Type Microplastic Collection Device “HQ-100/HQ-100B”, including “Microplastics in onboard seawater lines can be collected at all times while the vessel is underway”, as well as its capability corresponding to the "A-EA(MPC)*5" notation for ships under ClassNK registry equipped with the product, and issued a certificate.
ClassNK will continue to further promote its Innovation Endorsement for Ships, Products & Solutions, and Providers, and strive to support innovative technologies and initiatives.
*1 In order to promote the spread and development of innovative technologies, ClassNK has offered Innovation Endorsement for Products & Solutions. ClassNK supports the deployment of products and services through third-party certification for equipment and software technology with innovative functions. The detailed information is available on the following page of ClassNK website:
Home > Products & Services > Innovation Endorsement Approach
*2 Standard type with a rating of 100m3/h processing
*3 Specification to add a boost pump to the MP correction line to ensure stable MP correction and minimize plant impact
*4 smaller plastic particles less than 5mm in diameter, resulting from discarded plastic in the ocean that is broken down by ultraviolet rays and wave action
*5 class notation for vessels with advanced environmental measures