Press Release
ClassNK invests in the Wind Energy Institute of Tokyo
28 January, 2015
Tokyo – Leading classification society ClassNK (Chairman and President: Noboru Ueda) has further strengthened its renewable energy activities by agreeing to form a capital alliance with the Wind Energy Institute of Tokyo Inc. (WEIT) (President and Representative Director: Akihiro Suzuki) on 15 January.
Based on the agreement, ClassNK will acquire around 30% of WEIT’s shares through a third-party allotment and a nonexecutive director will represent ClassNK on the Institute’s Board of Directors. The partnership enables both parties to leverage their wealth of experience and knowledge to develop solutions to issues currently faced by the renewable energy industry.
Operating Officer and General Manager of the ClassNK Renewable Energy Department Mr. Hirofumi Takano said: “Through this mutually beneficial agreement we will further accelerate the technological development of marine renewable energy and promote its practical application and commercialization. By offering our services we can help ensure the safety and success of future renewable energy projects for the benefit of the greater community.”
Since its establishment in 2004, WEIT has provided a variety of services such as wind resource assessment and load analysis for wind turbine structures, making WEIT renowned as a leading technical institute for wind energy systems. WEIT has also been involved in multiple successful wind energy projects in complex site conditions common in Japan’s geography such as typhoon and earthquake environments, delivering an array of services including feasibility study investigations and system standardization.
Since 2011, ClassNK has offered certification services for onshore and offshore wind turbines and over the years has expanded its activities to include the verification and certification of offshore wind farm projects and marine renewables. ClassNK conducted classification surveys and certification services for the world’s first floating offshore wind project which was built as a demonstration project off the coast of Fukushima. Due to the typhoon and earthquake environment in Japan, ClassNK gained unique technical experience which the classification society utilizes to develop its independent technical rules and guidelines, and improve its services.
Building on WEIT’s analytical expertise and proven track record, ClassNK is strengthening its resources to meet the increasing demand for services such as the independent third-party Marine Warranty Survey (MWS). This service evaluates potential operational risks in the design, transportation, and installation of renewable energy projects established off-shore and is essential in securing financing and insurance for new projects. The survey focuses on key factors such as sea fastening and cable laying and will be provided through ClassNK’s Renewable Energy Department.
For more information on this topic please contact:
ClassNK Renewable Energy Department
Tel: +81-3-5226-2032