Press Release
ClassNK retakes top position
17 March 2015
Tokyo – ClassNK (Chairman and President: Noboru Ueda) has just announced its official registration figures in addition to Clarkson’s data which reveals that it is once again the world’s largest classification society. The Society made the announcement at its annual Japanese press conference held in Tokyo on 17 March.
The latest figures show that over 366 million deadweight tons are now registered with the leading classification society, some 21% of the world’s entire classed fleet, more than any other classification society in the world according to Clarkson’s. Despite a global decline in new orders, the number of newbuildings joining ClassNK continues to grow, with the Society welcoming newbuildings totaling over 16 million gross tons to its register in 2014, or more than 25% of all newly built tonnage last year.
Speaking on the occasion, ClassNK Chairman and President, Mr. Noboru Ueda said: “At ClassNK, we believe that nationality is not relevant to our customers. Shipowners and operators around the world select their classification society on the basis of the services delivered. These figures represent not only the growth of our organization, but also the trust we have gained from the maritime industry through consistently providing quality services.”
As ClassNK’s register grows increasingly international, so does its R&D activities. With significant contributions towards maritime R&D, ClassNK is working with industry partners throughout Asia, Europe, and the Americas on a wide variety of joint R&D projects focusing on the safety of ships at sea, protecting the marine environment, and developing technologies that enhance efficiency for the benefit of the entire maritime community.
“As an independent, non-profit organization we are able to invest all of our profits back into improving our services and providing the maritime industry with innovative solutions. We respond to our clients’ needs and when these needs change, our strategy is to adapt and invest to meet that change. We are always looking for ways to address new challenges, as well as enhance and expand our existing range of services and the maritime community has responded to this by continuing to choose ClassNK.”
For more information on this topic please contact:
ClassNK Executive Operations Division
Tel: +81-3-5226-2047