Press Release
ClassNK releases Annual Report on Port State Control
12 August 2015
Tokyo – Leading classification society ClassNK (Chairman and President: Noboru Ueda) has released its annual report on Port State Control. The report aims to assist ship operators and management companies in maintaining compliant operations by providing information about ships detained by PSC as well as deficiencies that were found on board from many port states in 2014.
PSC inspections ensure that vessels departing the port meet international standards and have proved to be highly effective in eliminating substandard ships that are in operation. They oversee not only the physical structures and components of a ship, but also examine operations such as maintenance and ensuring that personnel have an adequate understanding of how to operate ship equipment. Over 100 port states have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) over the years and established a harmonized system for Port State Control to strengthen PSC-related activities, ensuring maritime safety, decent working and living conditions, and reducing maritime pollution.
To help its customers improve safety management systems and overall fleet quality, ClassNK has included a breakdown of deficiencies which shows that lifeboats, emergency fire pumps, and fire-dampers continue to be the major items where most detainable deficiencies are found. The ClassNK report also provides detailed analyses on PSC detentions by flag state, port state, ship type, ship size, and ship’s age as well as a summary of major amendments made to international conventions such as the SOLAS Convention. These amendments have further widened the scope of PSC inspections, a trend that will undoubtedly continue as the rules applied to ships increase and diversify.
You can obtain the PDF version of the Port State Control Annual Report for free by accessing the ClassNK website via the link below:
PDF Publications on PSC
For more information on this topic, please contact:
ClassNK Survey Operations Headquarters
Tel: +81-3-5226-2027