Press Release

ClassNK grants AIP to LNG-fueled vessel

17 November 2015

Tokyo – Leading classification society ClassNK (Chairman and President: Noboru Ueda) has granted Approval in Principle (AIP) to a 98,000 dwt LNG-fueled bulk carrier design developed by Maritime Innovation Japan Corporation (MIJAC).

Utilizing its extensive knowledge and experience in R&D for LNG-fueled vessels, ClassNK carried out the safety evaluation of the vessel and approved the concept design based on the International Code of Safety for Ships using Gases or other Low flashpoint Fuels (IGF Code), which will come into effect from 1 January 2017, and ClassNK’s Guidelines for Gas Fueled Ships.

The vessel will be fitted with a 2,000m3 capacity LNG tank (IMO Type B) and an LNG fuel supply system. The main engine and main generator engines will all operate on dual fuel.

Compared with diesel fuel, natural gas is a clean energy source that emits less carbon dioxide (CO2) and greenhouse gases (GHG), and no sulfur oxides (SOx). It is expected that the future use of natural gas as a ship’s fuel will continue to increase.

ClassNK has the world’s top share of bulk carriers on its register and through granting AIP to this LNG-fueled bulk carrier, it is contributing to the spread of environmentally friendly shipping practices.

For more information on this topic, please contact:
ClassNK Executive Operations Department
Tel: +81-3-5226-2047
