Press Release

ClassNK streamlines its classification process

13 February, 2015

Tokyo – Leading classification society ClassNK (Chairman and President: Noboru Ueda) announced today that it has successfully halved the time it takes to deliver its classification certificates by revamping its registration system.

The registrations for the classification of ClassNK ships are carried out through a rigorous process in order to confirm complete compliance with rules at each stage of plan approval, material and equipment inspections, and hull and machinery surveys. Until recently, ClassNK would issue provisional classification certificates at the completion of class entry surveys on board before delivering the final certificates once the registration had been completed at Head Office. This process meant that shipowners often had to wait weeks before receiving the final certification.

As part of ClassNK’s goal to continuously improve its 24/7 365 days a year service policy, it has completely revised its registration process, successfully halving the time it takes between issuing its provisional and final certificates whilst ensuring to provide the same thorough, quality service. Under the new streamlined registration system, classification certificates will reach the ship simultaneously with conventional certificates, considerably cutting down on waiting time for shipowners.

ClassNK will continue revising and improving all aspects of its processes to provide the best possible services to its customers.

For more information on this topic please contact:

ClassNK Executive Operations Division
Tel: +81-3-5226-2047
