Press Release

ClassNK obtains accreditation as a GHG emission verification body in the international aviation industry

04 March 2020

Tokyo – Leading Classification Society ClassNK obtained accreditation on January 23, 2020 from the Japan Accreditation Board (JAB) as a GHG emissions verification body based on the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

Although global warming countermeasures are being discussed at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), GHG emissions control in the international aviation sector, which operates across borders, will not fit in to a country basis framework for reduction measures under the UNFCCC. In light of the situation, the matter has been left up to consideration by the ICAO. ICAO adopted CORSIA in 2016 as a CO2 emission reduction scheme utilizing global offsetting mechanisms, with the goal of stabilizing net CO2 emissions at 2020 levels with carbon-neutral growth.

Under CORSIA, aircraft operators are required to monitor fuel consumption data from international flights in 2019 and report annual CO2 emissions. Emission Reports are required to be verified by an independent third-party verifier to ensure data accuracy.

These third-party verifiers must obtain accreditation under ISO14065 and special requirements of CORSIA. ClassNK had already fulfilled ISO14065 requirements, but after undergoing an extended examination by JAB, it has been accredited as the first verification body in line with the CORSIA scheme in Japan.

Grasping the amount of GHG emissions and third-party verification is a fundamental essence for addressing climate change countermeasures. ClassNK engages in the verification of GHG emissions including the Data Collection System on Fuel Consumption regulations by the International Maritime Organization (IMO DCS), the EU Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification of CO2 Emissions regulation (EU MRV) in the international/regional maritime sector which, like the aviation field, consists of cross-border activities, the Japanese Certification of amount of greenhouse gas including Emissions Trading (J-Credit Scheme), and Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM).

As an accredited certification body in the international aviation sector, ClassNK utilizes its abundant knowledge cultivated in a cross-sectional manner to support all land-sea-air transport modes in addressing global warming, and to contribute to the enhancement of social sustainability.

About ClassNK

Founded in 1899, ClassNK is an independent third party certification body offering a variety of services, such as ship surveys, to help ensure the safety of the ocean and preservation of the environment. Through its 120 years of history as a classification society, ClassNK has established technical rules for ships, conducted plan approvals and surveys on hulls, equipment, and materials for individual ships based on the rules, and classified ships satisfying standards. It has roughly 260 million gross tons or some 20% of the world’s merchant fleet on its register. The Society is authorized to carry out surveys and certifications on behalf of over 100 flag states based on international conventions and regional regulations on safety, environmental pollution prevention, security, and the labor environment. Utilizing its knowledge and experience cultivated as a third-party certification body over many years, the Society provides many certification services for management systems such as quality, environment, occupational health and safety based on ISO standards, and renewable energy including wind power generation to contribute to economic and social development through a network of over 130 exclusive surveyor offices across the world.
