Rule Amendments for Technical Rules

Issued on 30 June 2014

Rules/Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part B
Rule No.55 / Notice No.40
Rules/Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part C
Rule No.55 / Notice No.40
Rules/Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part CS
Rule No.55 / Notice No.40
Rules/Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part D
Rule No.55 / Notice No.40
Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part N
Notice No.40
Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part S
Notice No.40
Rules/Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part R
Rule No.55 / Notice No.40
Rules/Guidance for Marine Pollution Prevention Systems
Rule No.56 / Notice No.41
Rules/Guidance for Safety Equipment
Rule No.57 / Notice No.42
Rules/Guidance for Automatic and Remote Control Systems
Rule No.58 / Notice No.43
Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Passenger Ships
Notice No.44
Rules for the Construction and Certification of Freight Containers
Rule No.59

Summary of Amendments to the Rules and Guidance

Black-out Tests in Special Surveys
Condition Assessment Scheme
Hull Surveys
Examinations to be Carried Out at the Commencement and Completion of Special Surveys and Intermediate Surveys
Application of Steels
Survey of Secondary Barriers for Membrane Containment Systems
Power Supply for Special Propulsion Systems
Engines Applying the Protection of Oil Mist Detection Arrangements
Installation Positions of Isolation Valves on the Fire Main in Tankers
Unified Interpretation on the Fire Test Procedures Applied to Curtains, etc.
Interpretation of "Materials Equivalent to Steel used for Ventilation Ducts"
Installation of Alarms of Fixed Gas Fire-extinguishing Systems, etc.
Installation of Fixed Fire Detection and Fire Alarm Systems
Exemption of Fixed Fire-extinguishing Systems for Cargo Spaces, etc.
Volume of the Largest Protected Space of Fixed High-expansion Foam Fire-extinguishing Systems
Unified Interpretation for Fixed Pressure Water-spraying Fire-extinguishing Systems
Safety Approval Plates for Containers
Unified Interpretation for Openings facing Cargo Areas
Materials used in Machinery Spaces
Unified Interpretation for the IMO Performance Standard for Protective Coatings
Oil Discharge Monitoring and Control System Transporting Bio-fuel Blends
Application of BNWAS Requirements to Existing Ships
Embarkation Stations of Additional Liferafts
Free-fall Certification Height for Free-fall Lifeboats
Plans and Procedures for Recovery of Persons from the Water
Energy Efficiency of Ships, etc.
Strength Requirements for Ventilators and Air Pipes Fitted on Exposed Fore Decks
The word “omitted” when used in the context of the rule amendments described in the Amendments means that the requirement in question was not amended and is still applicable as before; it does not mean that the requirement is no longer applicable or was deleted.