Rule Amendments for Technical Rules

Issued on 22 December 2023

Rules for Approval of Manufacturers and Service Suppliers
Rule No.28
Rules/Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part B
Rule No.67 / Notice No.63
Rules/Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part C
Rule No.67 / Notice No.63
Rules/Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part CS
Rule No.67 / Notice No.63
Rules/Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part D
Rule No.67 / Notice No.63
Rules/Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part GF
Rule No.67 / Notice No.63
Rules/Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part K
Rule No.67 / Notice No.63
Rules for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part L
Rule No.67
Rules/Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part N
Rule No.67 / Notice No.63
Rules for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part S
Rule No.67
Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part O
Notice No.63
Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part P
Notice No.63
Rules/Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part R
Rule No.67 / Notice No.63
Rules/Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part X (Establishment)
Rule No.67 / Notice No.63
Rules/Guidance for Marine Pollution Prevention Systems
Rule No.68 / Notice No.64
Rules for Safety Equipment
Rule No.69
Rules/Guidance for Radio Installations
Rule No.70 / Notice No.65
Rules for Ballast Water Management Installations
Rule No.71
Rules/Guidance for Automatic and Remote Control Systems
Rule No.72 / Notice No.66
Rules/Guidance for High Speed Craft
Rule No.73 / Notice No.67
Rules/Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Passenger Ships
Rule No.74 / Notice No.68
Rules/Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Inland Waterway Ships
Rule No.75 / Notice No.69
Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Ships of Fibreglass Reinforced Plastics
Notice No.70
Guidance for the Approval and Type Approval of Materials and Equipment for Marine Use
Notice No.71

Summary of Amendments to the Rules and Guidance

Ballast Water Management Systems (BWMS) Commissioning Tests
ESP Code
Ship Watertightness and Damage Stability
Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part C
Test Procedures for Watertight Compartments
Materials Used for Piping Systems
Brittle Crack Arrest Properties
GMDSS Equipment
Pipes and Penetration Which Penetrate Watertight Boundaries of Passenger Ships
Recent Amendments to the IGF Code
Review of IACS Unified Interpretation for Fire-fighting Systems and Exemption of Fire-extinguishing Arrangements for Cargo Spaces
Water Level Detection and Alarm Systems for Multiple-Hold Cargo Ships
Clarification of Watertight Doors for Survivability
Design, Selection, Inspection and Maintenance of Mooring Equipment
Alarms for Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines Driving Emergency Generators
Designation of the Mediterranean Sea Area as SOx Emission Control Areas
Guidelines for EEDI Surveys and Calculations
Unified Interpretations for MARPOL ANNEX VI
Reductant Agent Tanks for Selective Catalytic Reduction Systems
Type Approval for Explosion Relief Devices Provided for Combustion Air Inlet Manifolds and for Exhaust Gas Manifolds Composing Exhaust Systems of Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines Using Gas as Fuel
Pressure Relief Devices for Refrigerant Compressors
Computer-Based Systems
Welding Procedure Tests
Fault Isolation Requirements for Individually Identifiable Fire Detectors
Installation of Explosion Relief Systems for Gas-fuelled Engines
Cargo Full Loading Tests for Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk
The word “omitted” when used in the context of the rule amendments described in the Amendments means that the requirement in question was not amended and is still applicable as before; it does not mean that the requirement is no longer applicable or was deleted.