Dear Sirs,
I am writing to inform you that ClassNK Singapore will be organizing ClassNK Academy in Singapore on 13 & 14 November 2024 in the Conference Room of ClassNK Singapore Office, 101 Cecil Street #21-09, Tong Eng Building, Singapore 069533.

The topics are as follows:

Day 1: SOLAS (Safety Construction), ICLL (Load Lines), TM69 (Tonnage)

Day 2: SOLAS (Safety Equipment, Safety Radio)

and are addressed for your superintendent, technical staff, ship owners, charterers, designers, and shipbuilders’ personnel and also as general training for all staff (shipboard and shore-based) who require a better understanding of:
This course provides the explanation and description of the International Convention for the SOLAS (Safety Construction) concerning the safety construction of ships, subdivision, and stability, the International Convention of Load Lines (ICLL) about the loading limit of ships, and the International Convention on Tonnage Measurement (TM69) that stipulates the volume of ships.

SOLAS (Safety Construction), ICLL (Load Lines), TM69 (Tonnage)
This course provides the explanation and description of the International Convention for the SOLAS (Safety Construction) concerning the safety construction of ships, subdivision, and stability, the International Convention of Load Lines (ICLL) about the loading limit of ships, and the International Convention on Tonnage Measurement (TM69) that stipulates the volume of ships.
SOLAS (Safety Equipment, Safety Radio)
In this course, we will explain what the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) describes in concerning firefighting appliances, lifesaving appliances, radio installations, and cargo handling operations. After taking this course, the attendees will understand the background and the principles of the convention.

Please note that our ClassNK Academy Courses are approved by MPA, with the Maritime Cluster Fund (MCF) subsidizing 50% of course fees for eligible participants (Singaporeans & Permanent Residents).

The attached brochures and registration form are for your reference. If you are interested, please submit the registration form to

If your staff has any dietary preferences, please inform us in your reply email. Please RSVP by 1 November 2024 for arrangement purposes. We look forward to welcoming you and your staff to this edition of ClassNK Academy.

With warmest regards,
Y. Seto
Regional Manager of Southeast Asia and Oceania