最終更新日 : 2024/06/04

ClassNK IMO 国際条約カレンダー検索


検索結果:9 件

題目 規則
船種 サイズ 実施時期 条約名 TEC
水密戸に関する要件 IBC Code
新船 Chemical Tankers All 1 July 2024 IBC Code
現存船 Chemical Tankers All 1 July 2024
短期的GHG削減策 (燃費実績(CII)格付け制度) MARPOL Annex VI
新船 Bulk carrier, Gas carrier (LPG carrier), Tanker, Containership, General cargo ship, Refrigerated cargo carrier, Combination carrier, Ro-ro cargo ships (Vehicle carrier), Ro-ro cargo ship, Ro-ro passenger ship, LNG carrier and Cruise passenger ship 5,000 GT and above 1 January 2023 MARPOL 1245
現存船 Bulk carrier, Gas carrier (LPG carrier), Tanker, Containership, General cargo ship, Refrigerated cargo carrier, Combination carrier, Ro-ro cargo ships (Vehicle carrier), Ro-ro cargo ship, Ro-ro passenger ship, LNG carrier and Cruise passenger ship 5,000 GT and above 1 January 2023
北極海域における重質燃料油の使用規制 MARPOL Annex I
新船 All All 1 July 2024 (1 July 2029 for ships to which regulation 12A of this Annex or regulation 1.2.1 of chapter 1 of part II-A of the Polar Code applies) MARPOL 1245
現存船 All All 1 July 2024 (1 July 2029 for ships to which regulation 12A of this Annex or regulation 1.2.1 of chapter 1 of part II-A of the Polar Code applies)
短期的GHG削減策 (EEXI規制) MARPOL Annex VI
新船 Bulk carrier, Gas carrier (LPG carrier), Tanker, Containership, General cargo ship, Refrigerated cargo carrier, Combination carrier, Ro-ro cargo ships (Vehicle carrier), Ro-ro cargo ship, Ro-ro passenger ship, LNG carrier and Cruise passenger ship (Except ships which have non-conventional propulsion such as diesel electric, turbine or hybrid propulsion system, but in this context, except LNG carrier and cruise passenger ship) 400GT and above 1 January 2023 MARPOL 1245
現存船 Bulk carrier, Gas carrier (LPG carrier), Tanker, Containership, General cargo ship, Refrigerated cargo carrier, Combination carrier, Ro-ro cargo ships (Vehicle carrier), Ro-ro cargo ship, Ro-ro passenger ship, LNG carrier and Cruise passenger ship (Except ships which have non-conventional propulsion such as diesel electric, turbine or hybrid propulsion system, but in this context, except LNG carrier and cruise passenger ship) 400GT and above the first annual, intermediate or renewal survey of IAPP Certificate on or after 1 January 2023
バラスト水処理装置搭載時の性能確認 BWM Convention
新船 All All 1 June 2022 BWM Convention 1228
現存船 All All 1 June 2022
2021 EGCSガイドライン MARPOL Annex VI
Res. MEPC.340(77)
新船 All All EGCS installed on ships the keels of which are laid or which are at a similar stage of construction on or after 1 June 2022;
or EGCS installed on ships the keels of which are laid or which are at a similar stage of construction before 1 June 2022 which have a contractual delivery date of EGCS to the ship on or after 1 June 2022
現存船 All All EGCS with the actual delivery to the ship on or after 1 June 2022; or amendments, as those specified in paragraphs or 5.6.3 of the 2021 EGCS Guidelines, to EGCS undertaken on or after 1 June 2022
IMDGコードの改正 IMDG Code
新船 Ships carrying IMDG cargo All 1 June 2022
Administrations may apply it on a voluntary basis as from 1 January 2021.
SOLAS 1229
現存船 Ships carrying IMDG cargo All 1 June 2022
Administrations may apply it on a voluntary basis as from 1 January 2021.
燃料油のサンプリング MARPOL Annex VI
新船 All All 1 April 2022 MARPOL 1261
現存船 All All the first renewal survey on or after 1 April 2023
EEDI フェーズ3 規制の強化、及び超大型ばら積み貨物船のEEDI リファレンスライン修正 MARPOL Annex VI
新船 Containerships, Gas carriers, General Cargo ships, LNG carriers and Cruise Passenger ships 400GT or over Ships contracted for construction on or after 1 April 2022 MARPOL 1228