Last update : 2024/09/20

ClassNK IMO International Convention Calendar Search

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Revised conventions by the year when entering into force

Result 6

Subjects Requirement
Resolution No.
Entry into force
New Ship
Existing Ship
Ship types Size Implementation Date Convention TEC
NOx certification of diesel engines fitted with SCR NOx Technical Code 2008
New Ship All All 1 October 2020 MARPOL 1192
Existing Ship All All 1 October 2020
BWMS Code BWM Convention
MEPC.296(72), MEPC.300(72)
New Ship All All Ballast Water Management Systems installed on or after 28 October 2020 BWM Convention 1156
Existing Ship All All Ballast Water Management Systems installed on or after 28 October 2020
Amendment to MARPOL Annex VI (EEDI) Marpol Annex VI
New Ship ro-ro cargo ship, ro-ro passenger ship 400GT or over Ships contracted for construction on or after 1 January 2020 MARPOL 1156
Existing Ship
Addition of NOx emission control area MARPOL Annex VI
New Ship All All ships constructed on or after 1 January 2021 MARPOL 1133
Existing Ship - - -
Amendment to MARPOL Annex VI MARPOL Annex VI
New Ship All All 1 January 2019 MARPOL 1133
Existing Ship All All 1 January 2019
Amendments to IMSBC Code IMSBC Code
New Ship Ships carrying IMSBC cargo All 1 January 2019
Administrations may apply it on a voluntary basis as from 1 January 2018.
SOLAS 1127
Existing Ship Ships carrying IMSBC cargo All 1 January 2019
Administrations may apply it on a voluntary basis as from 1 January 2018.