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Last update : 2024/08/13

Total : 1326 (1-50) Please click Tec No to open a document.

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No. TEC- 1330(1179kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 13 August 2024
Sub. Tokyo and Paris MoU Joint Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on Crew Wages and Seafarer Employment Agreement (MLC, 2006)
No. TEC- 1329(96kb) Contact. GCD Issued on. 29 July 2024
Sub. FuelEU monitoring plan required under the FuelEU Maritime Regulation
No. TEC- 1328(39kb) Contact. TSD Issued on. 05 July 2024
Sub. Changes in the Affixation of Class Notation to Ships Using Low-flashpoint Fuels
No. TEC- 1327(104kb) Contact. SMD Issued on. 28 June 2024
Sub. Inspection and certification relating to the entry into force of the 2022 Amendments to the MLC, 2006 on 23 December 2024
No. TEC- 1326(23kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 21 June 2024
Sub. Measures to reduce the number of PSC detentions and to improve the performance of Panamanian vessels
No. TEC- 1325(2495kb) Contact. XAD Issued on. 30 May 2024
Sub. Summary of the outcomes of MEPC 81
No. TEC- 1324(2033kb) Contact. MCD Issued on. 24 May 2024
Sub. Amendments to Ballast Water Management Record Book and Ballast Water Management Plan
No. TEC- 1323(25kb) Contact. EQD Issued on. 22 May 2024
Sub. Operating VHF channel for Kieldrecht lock at the port of Antwerp and New lock at the port of Terneuzen alongside the Sheldt river (Nieuwe Sluis Terneuzen)
No. TEC- 1322(1440kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 02 May 2024
Sub. The internal inspection during periodical survey of ballast tanks and void spaces on bulk carriers
No. TEC- 1321(26kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 30 April 2024
Sub. LRIT conformance test for Panama flagged ship
No. TEC- 1320(1040kb) Contact. GCD Issued on. 25 April 2024
Sub. Compliance with the Hong Kong Convention (Ship Recycling Convention) / Regulation (EU) No. 1257/2013 on Ship Recycling (EU-SRR)- For Liberian flagged vessels
No. TEC- 1319(1371kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 08 March 2024
Sub. LRIT conformance test for Liberia flagged ships
No. TEC- 1318(27kb) Contact. EQD Issued on. 26 February 2024
Sub. Fire extinguishing arrangement for paint and flammable liquid lockers on Marshall Islands flagged vessels
No. TEC- 1317(294kb) Contact. MGD Issued on. 31 January 2024
Sub. The EU-ETS for shipping sector and amendments to EU-MRV (2nd Report)
No. TEC- 1316(212kb) Contact. MCD Issued on. 26 January 2024
Sub. Rules concerning computer-based systems (IACS UR E22 (Rev.3) related)
No. TEC- 1315(888kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 18 January 2024
Sub. Issuance of AFS Certificate in accordance with the amendment of the AFS Convention to add the Cybutryne to the list of banned substances (Reminder)
No. TEC- 1314(1325kb) Contact. EQD Issued on. 20 December 2023
Sub. Application of IMSBC Code 7th Amendment
No. TEC- 1313(36kb) Contact. SMD Issued on. 20 December 2023
  This tech became null and void 25 April 2024.
Sub. Compliance with the Ship Recycling Convention / Regulation (EU) No. 1257/2013 on Ship Recycling (EU-SRR)- For Liberian flagged vessels
No. TEC- 1312(29kb) Contact. SMD Issued on. 27 November 2023
Sub. Amendment of IMO's Guidelines for the development of the Inventory of Hazardous Materials regarding Ship Recycling Convention (RESOLUTION MEPC.379(80))
No. TEC- 1311(47kb) Contact. SMD Issued on. 30 October 2023
Sub. The Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, 2009 (the Ship Recycling Convention)
No. TEC- 1310(928kb) Contact. SMD Issued on. 26 October 2023
Sub. Application of Cyber Risk Management to U.S. vessels, foreign flagged vessels that call on ports in the U.S., and MODUs.
No. TEC- 1309(4377kb) Contact. XAD Issued on. 12 October 2023
Sub. Summary of the outcomes of MEPC 80
No. TEC- 1308(117kb) Contact. MGD Issued on. 03 October 2023
Sub. Adoption of the FuelEU Maritime Regulation
No. TEC- 1307(996kb) Contact. MGD Issued on. 13 September 2023
Sub. Handling of IMO Interim Guidance on the Use of Biofuels under IMO-DCS and CII regulation
No. TEC- 1306(26kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 13 September 2023
  This tech became null and void 01 December 2023.
Sub. Caribbean MoU Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on Fire Safety Systems and Pilot Ladder Transfer Systems
No. TEC- 1305(26kb) Contact. MCD Issued on. 01 September 2023
Sub. Type Approval by the Japanese Government for the exhaust gas monitoring systems and discharge water monitoring systems of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems installed on Japanese-flagged ships (Revision)
No. TEC- 1304(8798kb) Contact. HLD Issued on. 21 August 2023
Sub. New Requirements for Towing and Mooring Equipment due to the Amendments to SOLAS II-1 Reg.3-8
No. TEC- 1303(2717kb) Contact. XAD Issued on. 16 August 2023
Sub. Summary of the Outcomes of MSC 107
No. TEC- 1302(1370kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 14 August 2023
  This tech became null and void 01 December 2023.
Sub. Tokyo and Paris MoU Joint Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on Fire Safety
No. TEC- 1301(35kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 06 July 2023
  This tech became null and void 30 April 2024.
Sub. LRIT conformance test for Panama flagged ship
No. TEC- 1300(27kb) Contact. XAD Issued on. 30 June 2023
Sub. An entry into force of the Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, 2009
No. TEC- 1299(85kb) Contact. MGD Issued on. 24 May 2023
Sub. Adoption of EU-ETS for shipping sector and amendments to EU-MRV
No. TEC- 1298(24kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 24 May 2023
Sub. Carriage of immersion suits onboard Panama flagged ship
No. TEC- 1297(28kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 22 May 2023
  This tech became null and void 21 June 2024.
Sub. Measures to reduce the number of PSC detentions and to improve the performance of Panamanian vessels.
No. TEC- 1296(26kb) Contact. XAD Issued on. 28 April 2023
Sub. Isle of Man - Annual Fee Discounts for Vessels Using Green Technology
No. TEC- 1295(31kb) Contact. SMD Issued on. 29 March 2023
  This tech became null and void 20 December 2023.
Sub. Compliance with the Ship Recycling Convention/Regulation (EU) No. 1257/2013 on Ship Recycling (EU-SRR)- For Liberian flagged vessels
No. TEC- 1294(778kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 28 March 2023
Sub. Notification for Survey / Audit Attendance by Recognized Organizations for Palau flagged vessel
No. TEC- 1293(2517kb) Contact. XAD Issued on. 27 March 2023
Sub. Summary of the outcomes of MEPC 79
No. TEC- 1292(143kb) Contact. MCD Issued on. 24 March 2023
Sub. Designation of the Mediterranean Sea Area as an Emission Control Area for Sulphur Oxides (SOx) and Particulate Matter (PM) under MARPOL ANNEX VI (Regulations for the Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships)
No. TEC- 1291(28kb) Contact. EQD Issued on. 17 March 2023
Sub. Special requirements for Emergency Escape Breathing Devices (EEBDs) regarding Bahamas flagged vessels
No. TEC- 1290(28kb) Contact. CLD Issued on. 17 March 2023
Sub. System release of Survey Programme
No. TEC- 1289(135kb) Contact. EQD Issued on. 01 March 2023
  This tech became null and void 24 May 2023.
Sub. Carriage of immersion suits onboard Panama flagged ship
No. TEC- 1288(885kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 22 February 2023
Sub. Issuance of AFS Certificate in accordance with the amendment of the AFS Convention to add the Cybutryne to the list of banned substances (Additional Information)
No. TEC- 1287(1467kb) Contact. XAD Issued on. 20 February 2023
Sub. Summary of the Outcomes of MSC 106
No. TEC- 1286(2645kb) Contact. CLD Issued on. 13 February 2023
Sub. Starting e-Certificate service for Japanese flagged vessels
No. TEC- 1285(27kb) Contact. SMD Issued on. 17 January 2023
Sub. The procedure for document review for DMLC Part-II and on-board inspection for Japanese flag
No. TEC- 1284(889kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 23 December 2022
  This tech became null and void 22 February 2023.
Sub. Issuance of AFS Certificate in accordance with the amendment of the AFS Convention to add the Cybutryne to the list of banned substances
No. TEC- 1283(1593kb) Contact. EQD Issued on. 21 December 2022
Sub. Application of IMSBC Code 6th Amendment
No. TEC- 1282(23kb) Contact. EQD Issued on. 20 December 2022
Sub. Marine equipment for onboard United Kingdom flagged ship
No. TEC- 1281(27kb) Contact. EQD Issued on. 20 December 2022
  This tech became null and void 01 March 2023.
Sub. Carriage of immersion suits onboard Panama flagged ship

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