
출판물 소개

  • 규칙류
  • 기타 출판물

Technical Rules & Guidance can be viewed and downloaded free of charge on the page of “Technical Rules and Guidance”.

Rules for Governmental and Naval Ships can be viewed and downloaded free of charge using ClassNK MyPage.
Registration is required for new users. Click “ClassNK MyPage Login” to register or login.


1. 온라인으로 신청
유료 출판물(강선 규칙)의 신청은 여기를 클릭해 주십시오.
무료 출판물(기타 규칙, 요령, 지침, 기술서적, 연구논문, 팸플릿 등)의 신청은 여기를 클릭해 주십시오.

2. email 또는 FAX로 신청
아래에서 신청서 파일을 다운로드하여 필요한 사항을 기입하신 후, 아래의 연락처로 보내 주십시오.

Upon confirming your Publication Order by our Fax or email, we will send you the Publications.  And an invoice in which payment method is stated will be sent to you from our Finance Department.  Please remit the amount of expenses to our bank account described on an invoice.

Taxes such as customs duties, import duties and so on, if imposed, are not covered by ClassNK.

Our contact address is

Nippon Kaiji Kyokai, General Affairs Department (Research and Information Center)

Address: 1-8-5, Ohnodai,Midori-ku,Chiba 267-0056, JAPAN
Tel: +81-43-294-5400
Fax: +81-43-294-7212
email: gr@classnk.or.jp

Personal information obtained by the Society will be used for the following purpose(s):

  • To receive and accomplish the Society's services and to communicate with clients
  • To notify clients about the Society's publications

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