Online web application service for surveys and audits linked with NK-SHIPS information.
e-Application is an online application service for class surveys and statutory surveys of ships in service, ISM/ISPS ships audits, MLC shipboard inspections, and ISM company audits. Furthermore, Survey Programme required for ships subject to Enhanced Survey Programme (ESP) can be prepared and submitted.
Since e-Application links with NK-SHIPS, applications for necessary surveys can be easily made using NK-SHIPS.
Please refer to the e-Application pamphlet found below for more details.
- e-Application brochure - English Edition - (525kb)
- e-Application quick guide-(Operating Manual)(2311kb)
For customers using our “NK-SHIPS” service, this system is available from the “e-Application” link displayed after logging into “Web Service Portal” by using the USER ID and password of “NK-SHIPS”.
An application for “NK-SHIPS” is available from the following site.
Inquiries about service details and operation
Information Technology Department, E-Mail: tid@classnk.or.jp
Inquiries about application
Nearest ClassNK Office (Refer to Directory) or
For Class and Statutory survey: Survey Department, E-Mail: svd@classnk.or.jp
For ISM/ISPS audit and MLC inspection: Ship Management Systems Dept. E-Mail: smd@classnk.or.jp