Technical Analysis Service
ClassNK has an advanced high technical ability and facility for computational structure analysis, such as calculation for large-scale structure and fatigue strength assessment based on detailed stress analysis.
Computer applications have been developed and used by the Center for detailed examination of the following types of technical matters.
- Structural Analysis
- Longitudinal strength calculations
- Hull structure strength analysis
- Detailed local stress analysis
- Fatigue strength assessment
- Stability and Seakeeping
- Hydrostatics and stability cross curve calculations
- Damage stability calculations
- Grain loading stability calculations
- Tonnage measurement
- Analysis of manoeuvrability
- 3-Dimensional computational fluid dynamics analysis
- Analysis of responses to slamming
- Offshore Structures
- Calculation of displacement
- Calculation of stability
- Calculation of motions in waves
- Structural Analysis
- Mooring Calculation