Frequently asked questions and their answers are available here.
(This is our trial activity, and those are limited to machinery-related topics at the moment.)



How can we access the NK rules?


The technical rules and guidance, proposed and approved rule amendments, and other relevant information can be viewed from below quick link.
Technical Rules and Guidance


What is the procedure for using e-drawing approval system (pdf file)?


NK-PASS, a management system for e-drawing approval, allows you to submit electronic drawings (pdf files) for approval. For details of the system, please refer to here.
Before the use of NK-PASS, user registration is needed. If you would like to use NK-PASS, please fill out the application form here and submit it to our Information Technology Department (tid@classnk.or.jp). The person in charge will respond you with your user ID and password.
It does not cost any fee for using the system.


Is it necessary to submit drawings and documents again in case where the marine equipment is manufactured in the same design approved?


When an equipment is manufactured based on drawings and documents which have already been approved, please submit an "Application for exemption from submission of plans and documents" which includes the following information to ClassNK Machinery Department

  • Specification of Equipment
  • Drawing Number and approved date
  • Classification Number and Name of ship or Name of Shipyard and Ship Number of ship

Type Approvals


How the manufacturer (applicant) should apply the following equipment for obtaining “Approval of Use”?
1. Part 7 Chapter 1 “Automatic Devices and Equipment
2. Part 7 Chapter 4 “Level Indicator”
3. Part 6 Chapter 7 “High Level Alarm” for tanker
4. Part 7 Chapter 5 "Water Ingress Alarm"
5. Part 7 Chapter 6 "Oil Mist Detector"
6. 6) Part 7 Chapter 8 "Computer Based System"


The following application and the documents/drawing should be submitted to our Machinery Department;
The Rule means Guidance for the Approval and Type Approval of Materials and Equipment for Marine Use.

  • Application:Form 7-1
    Documents/Drawings: 1.2.1, Part 7 of the Rules
  • Application:Form 7-4
    Documents/Drawings: 4.2.3, Part 7 of the Rules
  • Application:Form 6-7
    Documents/Drawings: 7.2.3, Part 6 of the Rules
  • Application:Form 7-5
    Documents/Drawings: 5.2.3, Part 7 of the Rules
  • Application:Form 7-6
    Documents/Drawings: 6.2.2, Part 7 of the Rules
  • Application:Form 7-8
    Documents/Drawings: 8.2.2, Part 7 of the Rules

How the manufacturer (applicant) of the equipment should submit the relevant documents for obtainment of certificate about “APPROVAL OF USE OF AUTOMATIC DEVICES AND EQUIPMENT”. (Guidance for the Approval and Type Approval of Materials and Equipment for Marine Use (Part 7 Chapter 1))


The relevant documents should be submitted to us via NK-PASS. Advanced registration is mandatory for usage of NK-PASS. As for how to register/use of NK-PASS is referred to the following link of our web site.

If it is difficult to use NK-PASS for submission of documents, paper-based documents also acceptable, but in this case, three (3) copies of each document should be submitted to our Machinery Department.




Test frequency range of RF immunity/emission (No.14 and No.19 in IACS E10 test items) have been changed from 2GHz to 6GHz since IACS E10 Revision 7.
The installation of Revision 7 applied equipment is required to the ship who has building Contract on or after 1. Jan. 2022 according to Note.4 in IACS E10, in other words, Revision.6 applied equipment cannot be installed on the ship contracted on or after 1. Jan. 2022 even though the type approval certificate is still valid.
Therefore, the product shall pass this new test conditions and its test report to be submitted to NK in case of the renewal of certificate.
The published years of the reference standards of environment tests have been clarified since IACS UR E10 Revision 8.
Rev.8 of the UR is to be uniformly implemented for equipment for which the date of application for type approval certification (generally including New/Renewal/Change) is dated on or after 1 July 2022.


What is the procedure for approval of pressure vessel at manufacturer?


Requirements for Pressure vessels/Heat exchangers are depending on classifications as Group I (PV-1), Group II (PV-2), or Group III (PV-3). The definition of each classification is given in 10.1.3, Part D of NK Rule, so please check the classification of products first.

Requirements are referred as below. After the shop test, a production certificate will be issued by attending surveyor, which will be used for delivery to the shipyard.


  • Approval of Welding Procedure and Related Specifications (WPS)
  • Approval of Manufacturing Group I, Pressure Vessels
  • Plan Approval*1
  • Survey*1 (survey for welding and shop test)


  • Approval of WPS
  • Plan Approval*1
  • Survey*1 (survey for welding and shop test)


  • Survey*1 (survey for welding and shop test)

*1Requested for each product
*2Only for products specified in D10.9.1-1, Part D of NK Rule.
For approval of WPS and survey, please contact to ClassNK survey office.

Approval for manufacturing process of a welded pressure vessel at factory is required for Group I Pressure Vessels.For detail, please refer to the attached file .
(Application form (Form 6-11) download website: https://www.classnk.or.jp/hp/de/download/dl_appli.aspx?kwd=6-11)
Approval of Manufacturing Boilers and Group 1 Pressure Vessels
For Plan Approval, please submit the construction drawings with strength calculation for approval to the Machinery Department. The procedure for using e-drawing approval system is referred to Q2. Upon drawing approval, please apply for shop test at the nearest ClassNK survey office of the factory.


Is it possible that products which are shipped before the expiration date of type test approval certificate apply to NK vessels even after the certificate expires?


Regarding the type test approval for electrical equipment, products which are shipped before the expiration date described in the type test approval certificate, these products can be used even after the expiration date of the certificates.
Then, type test approval certificate and some documents which show the ship date of the product such as shipping certificate or NK product certificate etc. should be prepared to prove effectiveness of type test certificate for the products.

Test Requirements


"Please advise where the NK rules describe that the hydrostatic test has to be made in presence of an NK surveyor. Table D2.6 describes a hydrostatic test with factor 1.5-times working pressure only.


Please be informed that NK rules of “Presence of Surveyor” is described in 2.1.4 Part B of NK Rules. Please refer to the attached Rules. Basically, the inspection of Part D of NK Rules should be carried out in the presence of NK surveyor. Therefore, the presence of NK surveyor is required for the hydrostatic test too.

Prime Mover and Shafting System


Is it possible to omit measurement of torsional vibration when propeller retrofitting is carried out on ships in operation?


If the vibration system is changed by retrofitting, measurement of torsional vibration is required as same as the calculation. It is required regardless of the presence of barred speed range.


Is it possible to calculate the required diameter of propeller shaft with the value more than 600 N/mm2 of tensile strength for ice class ships? (e.g. Calculation with the tensile strength value of KSF75, or KSFA80)


When calculating the required diameter of propeller shaft in accordance with the Rule Part D and the fatigue strength in accordance with the Rule Part I, the value of tensile strength used for calculation is not to be more than 600 N/mm2.
On the other hand, in calculating the yield safety factor against blade failure load, the actual yield strength can be used.


We recognize that the class certificate is no longer required for the parts of the Category A turbochargers, and the class certificate is no longer required for the materials, but is this understanding correct?
In addition, even if the ship class certificate is no longer required, the castings and forgings for parts of the Category A turbochargers will be manufactured by the manufacturer / forged that is certified by your ship class NK even if the ship class certificate is no longer required. I understand that it is necessary to manufacture and purchase at the factory, but is this understanding correct?


Due to the partial revision of Rules Part D issued on June 30, 2020, international standards such as ISO and JIS have been added to the turbine discs, blades, blower impellers, rotor shafts and castings of exhaust driven turbochargers of Category A turbochargers. Alternatively, the use of materials conforming to national standards is permitted.
Therefore, the certificate issued by our society is not essential for the material of the parts of the Category A turbochargers. On the other hand, in general, castings and forgings must be purchased from manufacturers / factories that have obtained approval of manufactures.


Can you please also confirm the Class NK requirements for Fuel Injection valves.
Based on Table Part D 2.2. Table D2.1 are for them no Material and Non destructive tests required but according 2.6 Table D2.6 a hydrostatic test.
For engine bore < 300 mm a Test report issued by the manufacturer is sufficient.
Please inform what is required for Fuel injection valves for engine bore > 300 mm?


Regarding the fuel injection valves, in case cylinder bore more than 300 mm, hydrostatic test is to be conducted in the presence of surveyor according to Part D Table D2.6.

Electrical Installations


Are electrical lights with guard but without cover able to be installed in engine room?


Degree of protection for electrical equipment installed in the engine room is to be of IP22 or more. (excluding “below the floors of machinery spaces”, “enclosed F.O./L.O. purifier rooms” and “entire range of coverage of sprinkler water of areas protected by the fixed local application fire-fighting system”)
Regarding the lights without cover, those products can also be installed in engine room as long as it satisfies appropriate IP grade.


Are two sets of starter motors for emergency generator required on NK rules and SOLAS?


SOLAS and NK rules only require to be equipped with a secondary source of energy which can start emergency generator.
So, in case emergency generator is started by storage battery, and install a storage battery as a secondary source of energy, installation of two sets of starter motors is not required.


In case of using LED light, are there no limitation for the number of lighting points if aggregate load currents don’t exceed 80% of the ratings of protective devises as described in 2.2.7-2, Part H of the NK Rules?


Number of lighting points are not limited if aggregate load currents do not exceed 80 % of the ratings of protective devices in such circuits.
In case many lights are connected to one final-subcircuit, please also consider following rule.
“In spaces such as compartments where main engines or boilers are located, large machinery rooms, large galleys, corridors, stairways leading to boat-decks and public spaces, lighting is to be supplied from at least two circuits and to be arranged so that the failure of any one circuit will not leave these spaces in darkness.” (2.2.7-4, Part H of the NK Rules)


Regarding selection of two-way portable radiotelephone for fire-fighter’s communication, what explosion-protection grade is it required?


Two-way portable radiotelephone for fire-fighter’s communication which is installed;
 - on or after 1 July 2020 on board as new, additional or replacement; or
 - ships for which the date of contract for construction is on or after 1 July 2020;
is to be of certified safe type suitable for use in zone 1 hazardous areas, as defined in IEC Publication 60079.
And, the minimum requirements in respect to the apparatus group and the temperature class of those radiotelephones are to be consistent with the most restrictive requirements for the hazardous area zone on board which is accessible to a fire party.
For your reference, the following minimum requirements of the apparatus group and the temperature class are helpful for the consideration on a ship-by-ship basis,

  • Gas Carrier: Depend on the cargo.
    (refer to Table N10.2.4, Part N of the NK Guidance)
  • Crude oil or product oil Tanker: IIAT3
    (refer to H4.2.4-3(1), Part H of the NK Guidance)
  • Chemical Tanker: Depend on the cargo.
    (refer to Table S17.1, Part S of the NK Guidance)
  • IMDG Code applied vessel: Depend on the cargo.
    (refer to Table R19.3.2-1, Table R19.3.2-2, Table R19.3.2-3 and Table R19.3.2-4, Part R of the NK Guidance)
  • IMSBC Code applied vessel: Depend on the cargo.
    (refer to the part of “Electrical equipment” in Initial Checklist of IMSBC Certificate. (e.g. IIAT4 is required in case of Coal and Brown Coal Briquettes according to the Checklist.))
  • Coal Carrier: IIAT4
    (refer to H4.9.1-1, Part H of the NK Guidance)
  • Car Carrier: IIAT3
    (refer to R20.3.2-1, Part R of the NK Guidance) IICT1 is required in case of carrying hydrogen fuel vehicle. (refer to R20A.4.1, Part R of the NK Guidance)

And also, please consider to explosion-protection grade for following compartments generally provided on most type of ships;

  • Battery room: IICT1 (refer to H2.11.6, Part H of the NK Guidance)
  • Paint store: IIBT3 (refer to Table H2.1.3-7, Part H of the NK Guidance)
  • Acetylene store: IICT2 (refer to H2.1.3-7, Part H of the NK Guidance)

Automatic and Remote Control Systems


Is it mandatory to install “Dead man alarm” according to Classification Society Rule requirement?


“Dead man alarm” is not required by Classification Society Rule requirement.
For your information, “Dead man alarm” is required by some Flags, therefore, please confirm with flag whether “Dead man alarm” is mandatory or not.

Deck Machinery


What is the revised requirement to Windlass, and when is the application date of it?


1. Date of Application
This amendment applies to windlasses for which the application for approval is submitted to the Society on or after 1 July 2018 and windlasses installed on ships for which the date of contract for construction is on or after 1 July 2018.

2. Applicant
Drawings must be submitted by the manufacturer, but some items may be provided by shipbuilder.

3. Outline of Amendment

  • In cases where an axial piston type hydraulic motor is used as the prime mover, protection (such as covers, etc.) to contain debris consequent to a severe damage of the hydraulic motor is to be provided particularly.
  • In case where windlass designed for anchor that is using at anchorage deeper than 82.5m, the continuous duty pull is to be considered the maximum anchorage depth. *1
  • In cases where chain cable stoppers are fitted, general arrangements, sectional assembly drawings and strength calculation sheets of chain cable stoppers are to be submitted for approval. *2
  • Welding procedure’s specifications (WPS) and welders’ qualification are to be qualified.
    And also, welding consumables are to be type-approved by NK.
  • Additional drawings to be submitted for approval, such as welding details, operation, and maintenance procedures, etc.…

4. Relevant requirement
Ch. 16, Part D of the Rules

*1 Maximum anchorage depth should be determined between the shipbuilder and the windlass manufacturer based on the specification of the ship.
*2 In cases where the chain cable stoppers are supplied by the shipbuilder, the shipbuilder is requested to arrange the drawing approval.



There is a plan to load "Mixed C4 cargos" on a liquefied gas carrier, but it is not listed on the Certificate of Fitness (CoF). What should I do to get it listed?


"Mixed C4 cargoes" is a cargo consisting mainly of hydrocarbon compounds with a carbon number of 4 (Butane, Butylene, Butadiene), and if the above three compounds are listed in the Certificate of Fitness (CoF) issued to the vessel in accordance with the IGC Code, it is possible to load the cargo.

The safety requirements on the "Mixed C4 cargoes" was first specified in the revised IGC Code, Res. MSC. Res. 370(93), which applies to ships keel laid on or after 1st, July 2016, so for those ships started construction after this date, the CoF can be revised.

On the other hand, if a ship keel laid before this date, the cargo cannot be listed on the CoF. However, technically, as mentioned above, if the vessel can carry all C4 compounds (Butane, Butylene, Butadiene) listed in the IGC Code as a single cargo, it is possible to carry mixed cargoes with appropriate operations.

If the vessel keel laid before 1st July 2016, there are two options for loading mixed C4 cargoes.

  1. 1. Issuance of an Addendum to the CoF
    First of all, please submit the revised "Cargo Operation Manual" to ClassNK Machinery Department to include the information of Mixed C4 cargoes. The revised manual will be reviewed and approved. After that, an Addendum to the CoF will be issued under the authorization of the Flag Administration. However, it takes time to review and approve the revised Cargo Operation Manual and to obtain the Flag State's authorization, so this option is not recommended if you have a plan to load Mixed C4 cargoes as soon as possible
  2. 2. Issuance of a Temporary Certificate (valid for one year, renewable)
    After confirming that all C4 compounds (Butane, Butylene, Butadiene) are listed on the CoF, Temporary Certificate that describes the technical adequacy of loading the above mixed C4 cargoes, could be issued. Please note that this Temporary Certificate is only an opinion of the Society and some cargo terminals may not accept this.

If you wish to have your CoF revised, or if you wish to have either 1. or 2. of the above Certificates for your ship’s keel laid before July 1, 2016, please apply to ClassNK Machinery Department with the followings:

  • Ship's name, Class number, IMO number and other information of the ship,
  • Delivery of the certificate,
  • Invoice address,
  • In the case of 1, a PDF file of the revised Cargo Operation Manual (containing the same information as for other cargoes in the Manual, such as IGC Code special requirements for "Mixed C4 cargos" and MSDS).

What is the procedure for obtaining approval of valves for liquified gas carriers / gas fueled vessels?


Plan approval and product inspection are required. After product inspection, a certificate will be issued. Type approval is also required depending on the used temperature and other conditions.For NK Rules, please refer to chapter 5, Annex 1, Part N/GF of “Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships” and relevant requirements. (To see NK Rules, please refer to Q1.)Please refer to the following for each approval.

  1. Type Approval
    Prior to plan approval and product inspection, type approval is required for below valves for gas. Even if it goes smoothly, it takes 2~3 months from application to certificate issuance.
  2. ・ Used temperature below -55℃
    ・ The construction and strength of Valves in accordance with neither JIS nor recognized standards that are deemed appropriate by the Society.

    For obtaining type approval, document examination and prototype test is required. After approval of submitted documents and drawings are finished, please conduct prototype test witnessed by NK surveyor. If the report of the prototype test is approved,
    Type Approval Certificate will be issued. For more information, please refer to attached file .

  3. Plan approval
    Plan approval is required whether type approval is required or not. Please submit below drawings and documents via NK-PASS※1 after the intended vessel is determined.
  4. ・ General specification(include design pressure, minimum designed temperature and fluid etc.※2)
    ・ Drawings of sectional view(include material specification of components, size of main parts and welding specification)
    ・ Information of the installed ships(shipyard, hull number, ship name, IMO number etc.)

    ※Please refer Q2 for submission method.
    ※When type approval is required, please show in the drawings approval number or approved drawing number.

  5. Product inspection
    Product inspection is required whether type approval is required or not. After plan approval, below tests are to be conducted witnessed by NK surveyor. Please apply for the nearest NK survey office of the factory.
    (Reference: Directory)
  6. ・ Material test
    ・ Hydraulic test
    ・ Airtightness test
    ・ Leakage verification test for valve seat

What is the procedure for approval of bellows expansion joint for cargo/fuel gas piping at manufacturer?


1. Type Approval and,
2.  Witness to the product test for each product
are both required.

  1. Type Approval
    Review of drawings, test plan, document for manufacturing, etc... and of witness to pressure test, burst test, fatigue test for each size and type is required.
    Please submit the application form, the above drawings and relevant documents to our Machinery Department.
    (Download the Application form from here)

    After completion of the review, please submit the application for the witness to the nearest ClassNK survey office of the factory.
    After completion of the test, our Machinery Department would issue the Type Approval Certificate.
  2. Product Test
    Review of the drawing for each product is required to prior to product test. After that, the product test (material test, NDT, hydraulic test, airtightness test) is required to be carried out in the presence of our attending surveyor.
    Please submit the drawings for approval to our Machinery Department.
    ※Please indicate the Type Approval No. in the drawings.
    Then, please submit the application form to the nearest ClassNK survey office of the factory for product test
    After completion of the test, a production certificate will be issued by our attending surveyor.

※Please check the relevant requirements as shown below, prior to the submission:

  • Drawings and documents for approval:
    1.2 of Ch.1, Annex 1 of Part N / Part GF of NK Guidance, 2.2.2, Pt.6 of NK Type Approval Guidance
  • Technical Requirements (Material, Strength, Design, Test, etc...):
    Ch.7, Annex 1 of Part N / Part GF of NK Guidance

What is the procedure for approval of cargo/fuel filter utilizing to piping of liquified/vapor gas at manufacturer?


1. Approval of drawing and,
2. Witness to the shop test,
are required for each product.

  1. Approval of drawing
    Please submit the following drawings for approval, to our Machinery Department prior to shop test:
    ・ Particulars (Design pressure, design temperature, fluid, etc.…)
    ・ Construction drawings (including list of materials and dimensions and if any, detail of welding)
    ・ Calculation sheets
  2. Witness to the shop test
    Shop test in the presence of our attending surveyor is required.
    Please submit the application form to the nearest ClassNK survey office of the factory for shop test.
    After completion of the test, a production certificate will be issued by our attending surveyor.

※Please check the relevant requirements as shown below, prior to the submission:

  • Material:
    6.4.1, Part N / 7.4, Part GF of NK Rules, N5.12, Part N of NK Guidance
  • Welding:
    6.5.4, Part N / 16.3.4, Part GF of NK Rules
  • Pipe joints, construction:
    5.8.1 & 5.11.6, Part N / 7.3.6, Part GF of NK Rules

MARPOL (Oil/Sewage)


The evaporation of the tank description in 3.1 of the IOPP supplement is recorded in the Oil Record Book in accordance with MEPC.1/Circ.736/Rev.2.
Is it mandatory to mention the evaporation in 3.2.3 of the IOPP certificate supplement?


The evaporation of the water from oil residue(sludge) by heating device(e.g. steam) is clearly mentioned and accepted in accordance with Example #8 in MEPC.1/Circ.736/Rev.2, and there is no specific requirement to describe it in the regulation of the MARPOL.
It is not necessary to mention this means, however, in case where you request to enter this means, it is acceptable to enter this means such as exemplified below.

e.g. “Evaporation of the water from the (tank name(s)) by means of heating.”


Is it mandatory to mention the Bilge Primary Tank in 3.3 of the IOPP certificate supplements?


Bilge Primary Tank is a pre-treatment unit of bilge separator to separate oil from oil bilge water by gravity and is not a holding tank for retention of oily bilge water, so there are no specific requirements to describe it in the MARPOL.
It is not necessary to mention the tank in the certificate, however, in case where you request to enter the tank, it is acceptable to enter the tank.


Is it mandatory to mention the holding tanks of sewage treated by sewage treatment plants (treated sewage) in 1.3 of the ISPP certificate?


The holding tank described in 1.3 is a tank to hold untreated sewage water.
Then, the tank such as holding tanks of treated sewage should not be listed in 1.3.


It is mandatory to mention how to transfer the sewage treated by sewage treatment plants (treated sewage) to another tank (e.g. Gray water tank, Clean drain tank)?


There is no specific requirement to describe this means in MARPOL.
It is not necessary to mention this means, however, in case where you request to enter this means, it is acceptable to enter this means such as below in Note.

e.g. “Equipped with a transfer line for treated sewage from the sewage treatment plant to (tank name(s)).”


There is no holding tank of untreated sewage in the ISPP Certificate, is it mandatory to approve the discharge rate table?


Approval of the table is not required for ships equipped only with a sewage treatment plant for the treatment of sewage.
The table is required in case of storing the untreated sewage to the holding tank to the ships.

MARPOL(NOx Regulation)


For Tier III engine installed on ships constructed (keel-laid) prior to 1 January 2021, is operational compliance with NOx Tier III regulations within the Baltic Sea Area and North Sea Area (i.e. European ECA) required?


Compliance of NOx Tier III regulation within European ECA is applied to engine installed on ships constructed (keel-laid) on or after 1 January 2021.
Consequently, for the engine installed on ships constructed (keel-laid) prior to 1 January 2021. operational compliance with NOx Tier III regulations within European ECA is not required even if the said engine is compliant with NOx Tier III regulation.


Regarding the recording of operational compliance with NOx Tier III regulations within ECA (Emission Control Areas) in accordance with 13.5.3 of MARPOL Annex VI (IMO Res. MEPC.271(69)),
1. For NOx Tier I or Tier II ships (i.e. ships constructed (keel-laid) prior to 1 January 2016), is the recording required?
2. For ships constructed (keel-laid) prior to 1 January 2021 with engines complying NOx Tier III, is the recoding required within the Baltic Sea Area and North Sea Area (i.e. European ECA)?

  1. Recording is not required for the said ships.
  2. Recording within European ECA is not required for the said ships because compliance of NOx Tier III regulation within the said ECA is not applied to the ships.

*Regarding detailed explanation on Reg.13.5.3 of MARPOL Annex VI, please refer to “ClassNK Technical Information (No.TEC-1126)”.


Regarding Engine Parameter Record Book, is recording required in the case where a component is replaced to one with same NOx ID No.?


According to of NOx Technical Code 2008, even in case of like-for-like replacements (i.e. replacements to the component with same NOx ID No.), recording in Engine Parameter Record Book is required.


In the case where NOx Tier III mode cannot be operated within NOx ECA due to malfunction of SCR/EGR, what kind of handling for the trouble is necessary?


In the case where malfunction of SCR or EGR occurs, it is necessary to report to the Flag Administration and Jurisdiction port of ECA (Port state’s administration) according to Reg.5.6 of MARPOL Annex VI.
Subsequently, on a case-by-case basis, the relevant Administration would judge applicability and period of exemption for operational compliance with NOx Tier III according to Reg.3.1 of MARPOL Annex VI.