Rule Amendments for Technical Rules

Issued on 15 April 2009

Regulations/Guidance for the Classification and Registry of Ships
Rule No.17 / Notice No.17
Rules for Approval of Manufacturers and Service Suppliers
Rule No.18
Rules/Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part A
Rule No.19 / Notice No.18
Rules/Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part B
Rule No.19 / Notice No.18
Rules/Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part C
Rule No.19 / Notice No.18
Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part U
Notice No.18
Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part V
Notice No.18
Rules for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part CSR-B
Rule No.19
Rules for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part CSR-T
Rule No.19
Rules/Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part D
Rule No.19 / Notice No.18
Rules/Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part H
Rule No.19 / Notice No.18
Rules/Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part K
Rule No.19 / Notice No.18
Rules/Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part L
Rule No.19 / Notice No.18
Rules/Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part M
Rule No.19 / Notice No.18
Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part N
Notice No.18
Rules/Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part S
Rule No.19 / Notice No.18
Rules for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part P
Rule No.19
Rules/Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part R
Rule No.19 / Notice No.18
Guidance for Marine Pollution Prevention Systems
Notice No.19
Guidance for Safety Equipment
Notice No.20
Rules/Guidance for High Speed Craft
Rule No.20 / Notice No.21
Rules/Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Passenger Ships
Rule No.21 / Notice No.22
Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Ships of Fibreglass Reinforced Plastics
Notice No.23
Guidance for the Approval and Type Approval of Materials and Equipment for Marine Use
Notice No.24

Summary of Amendments to the Rules and Guidance

A First Survey stipulated in Retroactive Requirements
The Safety Practices of Fixed Carbon Dioxide Fire-extinguishing Systems
Class Notation for In-water Survey
Survey for Postponement of Special Surveys
Requirements of Thickness Measurements for Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk
The Ordinary Surveys of Coupling Bolts to detect Cracks
Continuous Machinery Survey(CMS)
Notation affixed to the Classification Characters of Ships taken with Particular Measures for Environment
The Type Approval Tests for Sewage Treatment Plants
Piping Systems
The Period of the First Survey of the Long-range Identification and Tracking Systems(LRIT)
Firms Engaged in Performance Tests of VDRs and S-VDRs
The Omission of the Deadlights of Side Scuttles and Rectangular Windows
The Entry to the Forward Ballast Tank of Oil Tankers
Survey Items of Full Load Tests of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk
The Application of "A" Class Bulkheads approved with Restricted Application
High-Expansion Foam Fire-Extinguishing Systems
The Unified Interpretation regarding the Number and Arrangement of Portable Fire Extinguishers Onboard Ships
The Insulation of Ducts at Bulkhead Penetrations
Minimum Requirements of Dangerous liquid Substances for Chemicals in Bulk
Location of Paint Lockers above the Cargo Area for Chemicals in Bulk
Report Forms for the Test Procedures for Coating Qualification and Crossover Tests
Special Requirements for Machinery Installations
PMS Management Software approval
Feeder Circuits to Navigation Lights
Semi-conductor Rectifiers for Power
Electrical Installations of Electric Propulsion Ships
Approval of Manufacturing Process of Semi-Finished Products
Higher Strength Offshore Mooring Chains
Brittle Crack Arrest Properties
Additional entries on Test Certificates
The Impact Tests of Steel Pipes for Low Temperature Service
The Welding Position for Welding Procedure Qualification Tests and Welding Consumables
Grade of High Strength Quenched and Tempered Rolled Steel Plates for Structures
Approval of Manufacturing Process of Rolled Steels, etc.
The Structural Strength of Bow Flare
The Distance for Protection to a Fuel Oil Tank
Unified Interpretation of Definition of Normal Overpressure in the Cargo Oil Tanks
Common Structural Rules for Bulk Carriers related to Rule Change 3
The Permeability of Store Space
The Unified Interpretation regarding the Measurement of Distance
The Damage Stability
The Number of Hold Bulkheads
Unified Interpretations to Stability Booklet
Common Structural Rules for Bulk Carriers related to Rule Change 1
Common Structural Rules for Double Hull Oil Tankers
The Symbol "L" Used to Indicate Ship Length
The word “omitted” when used in the context of the rule amendments described in the Amendments means that the requirement in question was not amended and is still applicable as before; it does not mean that the requirement is no longer applicable or was deleted.