Rule Amendments for Technical Rules

Issued on 27 December 2019

Guidance for the Classification and Registry of Ships
Notice No.69
Rules for Approval of Manufacturers and Service Suppliers
Rule No.102
Rules for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part A
Rule No.103
Rules/Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part B
Rule No.103 / Notice No.70
Rules/Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part C
Rule No.103 / Notice No.70
Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part U
Notice No.70
Rules for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part CSR-B&T
Rule No.103
Rules/Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part CS
Rule No.103 / Notice No.70
Rules/Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part D
Rule No.103 / Notice No.70
Rules/Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part GF
Rule No.103 / Notice No.70
Rules/Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part H
Rule No.103 / Notice No.70
Rules for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part K
Rule No.103
Rules/Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part N
Rule No.103 / Notice No.70
Rules/Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part S
Rule No.103 / Notice No.70
Rules/Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part O
Rule No.103 / Notice No.70
Rules/Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part P
Rule No.103 / Notice No.70
Rules for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part PS
Rule No.103
Rules for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part Q
Rule No.103
Rules/Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part R
Rule No.103 / Notice No.70
Rules/Guidance for Marine Pollution Prevention Systems
Rule No.104 / Notice No.71
Rules/Guidance for Safety Equipment
Rule No.105 / Notice No.72
Rules/Guidance for Radio Installations
Rule No.106 / Notice No.73
Rules/Guidance for Anti-Fouling Systems on Ships
Rule No.107 / Notice No.74
Rules/Guidance for Ballast Water Management Installations
Rule No.108 / Notice No.75
Rules/Guidance for Cargo Refrigerating Installations
Rule No.109 / Notice No.76
Rules/Guidance for Cargo Handling Appliances
Rule No.110 / Notice No.77
Rules/Guidance for Diving System
Rule No.111 / Notice No.78
Rules/Guidance for Automatic and Remote Control Systems
Rule No.112 / Notice No.79
Rules/Guidance for Navigation Bridge Systems
Rule No.113 / Notice No.80
Rules/Guidance for Preventive Machinery Maintenance Systems
Rule No.114 / Notice No.81
Rules for Integrated Fire Control Systems
Rule No.115
Rules for Hull Monitoring Systems
Rule No.116
Rules/Guidance for Centralized Cargo Monitoring and Control Systems
Rule No.117 / Notice No.82
Rules/Guidance for High Speed Craft
Rule No.118 / Notice No.83
Rules/Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Passenger Ships
Rule No.119 / Notice No.84
Rules/Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Inland Waterway Ships
Rule No.120 / Notice No.85
Guidance for the Approval and Type Approval of Materials and Equipment for Marine Use
Notice No.86

Summary of Amendments to the Rules and Guidance

Firms Engaged in the Maintenance, Thorough Examination, Operational Testing, Overhaul and Repair of Life-saving Appliances such as Lifeboats
Condition Based Maintenance Scheme for Machinery
Unified Interpretations for Data Collection System
Hull Surveys
Survey Methods
Welding for Cross-joints subject to High Stress
Damage Stability
Intact Stability of Liquefied Gas Carriers
Common Structural Rules for Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers, 1 January 2018, Corrigenda 2
Steels Subject to Special Requirements for Ammonia Carriers
Means of Access for Wind Turbine Installation Ships
Application of MARPOL ANNEX I to FPSOs and FSUs
Intact Stability for Ships Engaged in Towing Operations and Anchor Handling Operations
Early Application of Amendments to 2020 Edition of SOLAS, etc.
Onboard Discharge Tests of Dry Chemical Powder Fire-extinguishing Systems
Liquid Level Monitoring Systems for Passenger Ships
Application of Unified Interpretation for Permanent Means of Access
Foam Firefighting Appliances for Helidecks and Helicopter Landing Areas
Interpretation on the Treatment of Lifebuoys
Fire Integrity of Compartments for the Chemical Storage Tanks for Selective Catalytic Reduction Systems, Exhaust Gas Recirculation Systems and Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems
Required Air Changes for Spaces Containing Bilge Pumps on Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods
Heat Resistance of Water Spray Systems Installed Above Fuel Oil Tanks
Clarification of the Application of the Requirements for Fire Protection and Extinction
Means of Escape from the Steering Gear Space in Cargo Ships
Winches for Lifeboats Other Than Free-fall lifeboats
Unified Interpretations of Valves, Level Gauges for Cargo Tanks and Pressure Relief Systems Specified in the IGC Code
Modernization of the GMDSS
Unified Interpretation for Watertight Doors
Fire-extinguishing Systems for Galley Exhaust Ducts
Anchoring and Mooring Equipment
Carriage of Fuel On Board Ships
Energy Efficiency for Ships
Towing Winch Emergency Release Systems
Arrangement, Connection and Protection, etc. of Piping Systems
Unified Requirements of Production and Application of Plastic Piping Systems
Materials used for the Principal Components of Diesel Engines, etc.
Equivalent Devices of Oil Mist Detection Arrangements
Stern Tube Bearings and Shaft Bracket Bearings
Refrigerant used in Refrigerating Installations
Unified Interpretations for MARPOL Annex VI
Alarms, etc. of Drip Trays Provided for Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems
Application of SOLAS Requirements for Special Propulsion Systems
Angle of Inclination for Ambient Conditions
Characteristics of Governors for the Prime Movers of Generators
Harmonic Filters
Materials for Cable Insulation and Cable Sheaths
Environmental Tests for Automatic Equipment
Intermediate Surveys for Ships not subject to the ESP Code
Water Quality of Automatic Sprinklers
Definition of Vehicle Carrier and Requirements for Ships Carrying Vehicles
Class Notations with respect to Hull Construction Monitoring
The word “omitted” when used in the context of the rule amendments described in the Amendments means that the requirement in question was not amended and is still applicable as before; it does not mean that the requirement is no longer applicable or was deleted.