ILO/MLC, 2006
According to the announcement of ILO, ratified countries of the Maritime Labour Convention 2006 have reached 30 and the Convention entered into force on 20th Aug. 2013.
Please refer to the ILO website
According to the enforcement of the Convention, ships which are 500 GT or over, engaged in international voyage are required to carry the Maritime Labour Certificate onboard from the date of enforcement.
For the implementation of the Convention, we, ClassNK, have made the arrangement for the global framework of inspection and certification, as well as training our MLC inspectors. also, we have performed gap analysis between the requirement of Flag States and/or the Convention and shipowners' measures implementing to comply with them, assistance for establishment of the Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance Part II by shipowner and certification services for compliance with the requirements of convention for manning company.
ClassNK will offer the fulfilling service to customers for the MLC, 2006.
ClassNK is preparing to perform inspections and certification as required under the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006*, as a Recognized Organization authorized by flag governments.
Under the Convention, shipowners* are required to plan and implement measures to ensure continuous compliance with the national requirements, which embody the relevant provisions of the Convention, for the seafarers' working and living conditions* onboard ships under their management.
ClassNK is performs inspections to verify the continuous implementation of the measures implemented by shipowners onboard ships on behalf of each flag state.
In addition to certifying compliance with the MLC 2006 convention aboard ships, ClassNK also performs voluntary certifications for Seafarer Recruitment and Placement Services to certify complying with the provisions stipulated by the Convention
ClassNK offers services for the above inspections and certifications and voluntary certifications both individually and collectively as part of its PrimeManagement suite of certification and training services.
- * A copy of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 can be downloaded from the ILO website.
- * Shipowner means the owner of the ship or any other organization or person, such as the manager, agent or bareboat charterer, who has assumed the responsibility for the operation of the ship from the owner and who on assuming such responsibility has agreed to take over the duties and responsibilities imposed on shipowners in accordance with the Convention.
- * The Convention requirements cover such areas as conditions of employment, health, medical care, welfare, social security, accommodation and recreation facilities, and food and catering.
1) Text of MLC,2006
2) Text of Guideline for Flag State Inspection Under the MLC, 2006 (ILO website)
Guidelines for flag State inspections under the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006
3) Text of Guideline for Port State Inspection Under the MLC, 2006 (ILO website)
Guidelines for port State control officers carrying out inspections under the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006
Handbook for MLC Inspections
Handbook on Inspection of Seafarers' Working and Living Conditions (For certification), Feb 2025 (5th Revision) (For voluntary appraisal certification), Feb 2025 (5th Revision) |
Ship Management Systems Department NIPPON KAIJI KYOKAI 4-7, Kioi-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 102-8567, Japan Tel: +81-3-5226-2173 Fax: +81-3-5226-2174 E-mail: |