NK-PASS is a management system for submitted drawings.
Submission of drawings in XDW and XBD format files is available.
NK-PASS helps reduce the labor and costs associated with submission of drawings for approval and improves quality control effectiveness.
The purpose of NK-PASS is to improve service efficiency for NK, shipbuilders, and manufacturers by making it easy to share the following information related to plan approval:
• Submission status
• Progress status of drawing examination
• Comments on the drawings (if any), and so on
Drawings may also be submitted partly in electronic form and partly in hard copy form. This service enables paperless processing and eliminates the printing and portal costs.
For security, SSL encryption is used and access to electronic drawings is restricted in order to prevent leaks. Users can only access their own information.

Please refer to the NK-PASS brochure found below for details.
Applications and Inquiries
To register as NK-PASS user, complete the “Application for NK-PASS”, and send the application to the ClassNK Information Technology Dept..
- Application for NK-PASS(Word) (76kb)
- Application for NK-PASS (PDF) (114kb)
For inquiries related to the application process for NK-PASS, please contact the ClassNK Information Technology Dept. or your nearest office.
For inquiries about NK-PASS service details and operation, etc., please contact the ClassNK Hull Dept..
Application and Inquiries about ID, Password
Information Technology Department,
FAX: + (81)-43-294-6760
E-Mail: pass@classnk.or.jp
Inquiries about Service and Operation
Hull Department,
FAX: + (81)-3-5226-2019
E-Mail: hld@classnk.or.jp