Technical Information on PSC

Last update : 2025/01/31

The following is a list of main NK Technical Information concerned with Port State Control.
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No. TEC- 1334(31kb) Contact. GCD Issued on. 25 October 2024
Sub. Maintaining and updating part I of the Inventory during operations with the Hong Kong Convention (Ship Recycling Convention)
No. TEC- 1330(1179kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 13 August 2024
Sub. Tokyo and Paris MoU Joint Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on Crew Wages and Seafarer Employment Agreement (MLC, 2006)
No. TEC- 1326(23kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 21 June 2024
Sub. Measures to reduce the number of PSC detentions and to improve the performance of Panamanian vessels
No. TEC- 1310(928kb) Contact. SMD Issued on. 26 October 2023
Sub. Application of Cyber Risk Management to U.S. vessels, foreign flagged vessels that call on ports in the U.S., and MODUs.
No. TEC- 1306(26kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 13 September 2023
  This tech became null and void01 December 2023.
Sub. Caribbean MoU Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on Fire Safety Systems and Pilot Ladder Transfer Systems
No. TEC- 1302(1370kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 14 August 2023
  This tech became null and void01 December 2023.
Sub. Tokyo and Paris MoU Joint Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on Fire Safety
No. TEC- 1297(28kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 22 May 2023
  This tech became null and void21 June 2024.
Sub. Measures to reduce the number of PSC detentions and to improve the performance of Panamanian vessels.
No. TEC- 1277(13948kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 01 September 2022
Sub. Change in Inspection Method Due to Amendment of Rules for Propeller Shaft Surveys
No. TEC- 1272(2102kb) Contact. SMD Issued on. 05 August 2022
  This tech became null and void15 December 2022.
Sub. Tokyo and Paris MoU Joint Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on STCW
No. TEC- 1263(944kb) Contact. SMD Issued on. 18 May 2022
  This tech became null and void06 July 2022.
Sub. AMSA Focused Inspection Campaign (FIC) – Hours of work and rest
No. TEC- 1253(1089kb) Contact. SMD Issued on. 13 January 2022
  This tech became null and void14 April 2022.
Sub. AMSA Focused Inspection Campaign (FIC) – Planned Maintenance
No. TEC- 1244(2147kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 15 September 2021
Sub. Instruction by Panama Maritime Authority regarding U.S. and Australian ports pre-arrival checklist for Panamanian flagged vessels
No. TEC- 1243(1238kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 17 August 2021
  This tech became null and void03 December 2021.
Sub. PSC Concentrated Inspection Campaign on "Stability in general"
No. TEC- 1242(1199kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 10 August 2021
  This tech became null and void05 October 2021.
Sub. AMSA Focused Inspection Campaign on Safety of Navigation
No. TEC- 1237(1039kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 20 May 2021
Sub. Enhanced Monitoring Programme for Bahamian ships
No. TEC- 1226(1510kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 05 January 2021
  This tech became null and void15 September 2021.
Sub. Instruction by Panama Maritime Authority regarding U.S. Pre-ports arrival checklist for Panamanian flagged vessels
No. TEC- 1221(3452kb) Contact. SMD Issued on. 27 November 2020
Sub. AMSA's approach to maximum period of shipboard service for seafarers
No. TEC- 1217(2000kb) Contact. SMD Issued on. 16 November 2020
  This tech became null and void26 October 2023.
Sub. Application of Cyber Risk Management to U.S. vessels and vessels calling at U.S. ports
No. TEC- 1211(3570kb) Contact. SMD Issued on. 07 October 2020
  This tech became null and void27 November 2020.
Sub. AMSA's approach to maximum period of shipboard service for seafarers
No. TEC- 1188(1121kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 09 August 2019
  This tech became null and void01 December 2019.
Sub. PSC Concentrated Inspection Campaign on "Emergency Systems and Procedures"
No. TEC- 1169(931kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 28 December 2018
Sub. PSC Joint Information Campaign on "Global 2020 Sulphur CAP Compliance"
No. TEC- 1161(688kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 15 August 2018
  This tech became null and void01 December 2018.
Sub. PSC Concentrated Inspection Campaign on "Auxiliary Machinery" in Riyadh MoU
No. TEC- 1160(795kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 15 August 2018
  This tech became null and void01 December 2018.
Sub. PSC Concentrated Inspection Campaign on "MARPOL ANNEX VI (Regulations on the Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships)"
No. TEC- 1154(813kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 08 June 2018
  This tech became null and void01 September 2018.
Sub. PSC Concentrated Inspection Campaign on "Auxiliary Machinery" in Latin American Agreement on Port State Control
No. TEC- 1122(731kb) Contact. SMD Issued on. 17 August 2017
  This tech became null and void01 December 2017.
Sub. PSC Concentrated Inspection Campaign on "Crew Familiarization for Enclosed Space Entry"
No. TEC- 1121(1084kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 07 August 2017
  This tech became null and void01 December 2017.
Sub. PSC Concentrated Inspection Campaign on "Safety of Navigation (SOLAS CH.V)"
No. TEC- 1120(60kb) Contact. SMD Issued on. 02 August 2017
Sub. Preparation of IHM to be retained onboard the ship according to the EU Regulation on Ship Recycling, and the promotional incentives for examination fee to encourage earlier development of IHM
No. TEC- 1117(547kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 20 July 2017
Sub. Guidelines related to the Paris Memorandum of Understanding (Paris MOU) for St. Vincent and the Grenadines flag vessels
No. TEC- 1115(1329kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 28 June 2017
  This tech became null and void01 January 2018.
Sub. China Maritime Safety Administration PSC Concentrated Inspection Campaign on Bulk Carriers
No. TEC- 1098(5597kb) Contact. SMD Issued on. 28 December 2016
Sub. Inspection and certification relating to the entry into force of the 2014 Amendments to the MLC,2006 on 18th January 2017
No. TEC- 1091(748kb) Contact. HLD Issued on. 16 November 2016
Sub. Instruction by the Administration of Marshall Islands regarding quantity of reserve cargo securing devices
No. TEC- 1082(1212kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 23 August 2016
  This tech became null and void01 December 2016.
Sub. PSC Concentrated Inspection Campaign on Pilot Transfer Arrangement by Riyadh MoU
No. TEC- 1081(852kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 08 August 2016
  This tech became null and void01 December 2016.
Sub. Tokyo MOU PSC Concentrated Inspection Campaign on "Cargo Securing Arrangements"
No. TEC- 1079(670kb) Contact. SMD Issued on. 29 July 2016
  This tech became null and void01 December 2016.
Sub. The Paris MoU PSC Concentrated Inspection Campaign on "Maritime Labour Convention, 2006"
No. TEC- 1067(564kb) Contact. SMD Issued on. 28 April 2016
Sub. "Guidance on ECDIS for ships calling at Australian ports" (revised) issued by AMSA
No. TEC- 1051(73kb) Contact. SMD Issued on. 27 October 2015
Sub. Replacement from Statement of fact to Statement of Compliance for Inventory of Hazardous Materials onboard the vessel
No. TEC- 1046(307kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 11 September 2015
  This tech became null and void01 January 2016.
Sub. PSC Concentrated Inspection Campaign on Safety of Navigation by Riyadh MoU
No. TEC- 1040(102kb) Contact. SMD Issued on. 31 July 2015
  This tech became null and void01 December 2015.
Sub. PSC Concentrated Inspection Campaign on "Crew Familiarization for Enclosed Space Entry"
No. TEC- 1025(925kb) Contact. SMD Issued on. 19 March 2015
Sub. Certificate of Proficiency for the security awareness training or security training for seafarers with designated security duties required under the provisions of STCW VI/6
No. TEC- 1019(1799kb) Contact. SMD Issued on. 26 December 2014
Sub. Paris MoU Guidelines on Application of MARPOL Annex VI Reg.18 in an Emission Control Area (ECA)
No. TEC- 1010(76kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 04 November 2014
  This tech became null and void20 July 2017.
Sub. Guidelines related to the Paris Memorandum of Understanding (Paris MOU) for St. Vincent and the Grenadines flag ship detained 1 time or more during the past 3 years
No. TEC- 1006(335kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 29 September 2014
  This tech became null and void01 January 2015.
Sub. PSC Concentrated Inspection Campaign on Fire Safety Systems by Riyadh MoU
No. TEC- 0998(108kb) Contact. SMD Issued on. 07 August 2014
  This tech became null and void01 December 2014.
Sub. PSC Concentrated Inspection Campaign on "STCW HOURS OF REST"
No. TEC- 0978(1690kb) Contact. SMD Issued on. 15 January 2014
Sub. Introduction to the EU Regulation on Ship Recycling
No. TEC- 0976(152kb) Contact. CLD Issued on. 02 December 2013
Sub. Addition of a new "Type of Ship" display function (for use with certain statutory certificates) to the Ship Status Search Service "NK-SHIPS"
No. TEC- 0963(426kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 13 August 2013
  This tech became null and void29 September 2014.
Sub. PSC Concentrated Inspection Campaign on Propulsion and Auxiliary Machinery
No. TEC- 0928(1804kb) Contact. SMD Issued on. 01 October 2012
Sub. Port State Control (PSC) within North American Emission Control Area (ECA) under MARPOL ANNEX VI by U.S. Coast Guard/Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Canada
No. TEC- 0924(788kb) Contact. SMD Issued on. 24 August 2012
  This tech became null and void28 April 2016.
Sub. "Guidance on ECDIS for ships calling at Australian ports" issued from the Australian Government (Revised)
No. TEC- 0921(19kb) Contact. SMD Issued on. 16 August 2012
Sub. Maintenance, servicing and inspection for lifeboats and launching appliances
No. TEC- 0920(1426kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 13 August 2012
  This tech became null and void13 August 2013.
Sub. PSC Concentrated Inspection Campaign on Fire Safety Systems Arrangements
No. TEC- 0897(103kb) Contact. SMD Issued on. 14 March 2012
Sub. For Singapore Ships, MPA Instruction to prevent PSC detention
No. TEC- 0884(46kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 13 December 2011
Sub. Confirmation of Periodical Surveys for Emergency Fire Pumps
No. TEC- 0883(22kb) Contact. SMD Issued on. 13 December 2011
Sub. Recent development of PSC Inspection related to ISM Code
No. TEC- 0871(250kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 10 November 2011
  This tech became null and void20 May 2021.
Sub. Enhanced Monitoring Programme for Bahamas-registered ships
No. TEC- 0859(76kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 01 August 2011
  This tech became null and void13 August 2013.
Sub. PSC Concentrated Inspection Campaign on Structural Safety and the International Convention on Load Lines
No. TEC- 0851(356kb) Contact. SMD Issued on. 07 April 2011
Sub. Latest development of PSC Inspection related to PSC Deficiency Code 1560 "Charts" and 1594 "Voyage or passage plan"
No. TEC- 0842(168kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 10 February 2011
Sub. USCG Marine Safety Alert (Inspection of Fuel Oil Quick -Closing Valves)
No. TEC- 0835(712kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 30 November 2010
Sub. Procedure of PSC exam for Banning of Foreign vessels by USCG
No. TEC- 0825(18kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 12 August 2010
Sub. The New Inspection Regime (NIR) of Paris MOU
No. TEC- 0823(66kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 10 August 2010
  This tech became null and void26 July 2011.
Sub. Paris MOU Concentrated Inspection Campaign on Tanker Damage Stability
No. TEC- 0822(79kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 10 August 2010
  This tech became null and void26 July 2011.
Sub. Tokyo MOU Concentrated Inspection Campaign on Harmful Substances (Marine Pollutants) Carried in Packaged Form
No. TEC- 0800(204kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 19 January 2010
  This tech became null and void05 August 2010.
Sub. AMSA Focused Inspection Campaign on container securing equipment
No. TEC- 0782(70kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 13 August 2009
  This tech became null and void15 January 2010.
Sub. PSC Concentrated Inspection Campaign on Lifeboat Launching Arrangements
No. TEC- 0753(193kb) Contact. HLD Issued on. 23 October 2008
Sub. Regarding the revised IBC/BCH code & MARPOL 73/78 Annex II which comes to effect from 1 January 2009 (For ships other than Japanese flag ships)
No. TEC- 0745(55kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 05 September 2008
Sub. Surveys and Certification for AFS Convention
No. TEC- 0744(51kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 22 August 2008
  This tech became null and void07 August 2009.
Sub. PSC Concentrated Inspection Campaign on Safety of Navigation
No. TEC- 0743(77kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 15 August 2008
Sub. International Convention on AFS enters into force on 17 September 2008 (Part 2)
No. TEC- 0729(46kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 07 April 2008
Sub. International Convention on AFS enters into force on 17 September 2008
No. TEC- 0705(582kb) Contact. SMD Issued on. 01 August 2007
  This tech became null and void01 December 2007.
Sub. Tokyo MOU PSC Concentrated Inspection Campaign on ISM Code
No. TEC- 0657(509kb) Contact. XAD Issued on. 27 April 2006
Sub. Introduction of the outcomes of MEPC 54
No. TEC- 0636(25kb) Contact. MCD Issued on. 04 August 2005
Sub. ----- No English version -----
No. TEC- 0634(378kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 21 July 2005
  This tech became null and void20 August 2007.
Sub. Tokyo MOU PSC Concentrated Inspection Campaign
No. TEC- 0604(106kb) Contact. SMD Issued on. 06 October 2004
  This tech became null and void29 August 2007.
Sub. Decision on maritime security made 78th session of the Maritime Safety Committee of the IMO
No. TEC- 0601(360kb) Contact. SMD Issued on. 24 September 2004
Sub. USCG PSC Checklist for the implementation of the ISPS Code
No. TEC- 0594(168kb) Contact. SMD Issued on. 28 July 2004
  This tech became null and void29 August 2007.
Sub. PSC Checklist for the implementation of the ISPS Code
No. TEC- 0589(264kb) Contact. XAD Issued on. 05 July 2004
Sub. Measures by ClassNK in response to Circular No.1/2004 issued by the Cyprus Government
No. TEC- 0553(96kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 10 November 2003
Sub. Enhanced Survey of Indian flagged Oil tankers and Bulk Carriers
No. TEC- 0545(162kb) Contact. MCD Issued on. 04 September 2003
  This tech became null and void13 December 2017.
Sub. Annex IV of MARPOL 73/78 (Regulations for the prevention of pollution by sewage from ships)
No. TEC- 0525(120kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 26 May 2003
  This tech became null and void20 August 2007.
Sub. New rules of the Paris MOU
No. TEC- 0509(104kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 01 April 2003
Sub. Maintenance and Inspection of Oil Filtering Equipment and Oil Content Meter Taking Account of PSC Inspections
No. TEC- 0502(112kb) Contact. XAD Issued on. 15 February 2003
Sub. Release of Survey Status Information of ClassNK Ships
No. TEC- 0479(342kb) Contact. XAD Issued on. 25 August 2002
Sub. Measures by ClassNK in response to Circular No.19/2002 issued by the Cyprus Government
No. TEC- 0470(137kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 25 July 2002
  This tech became null and void20 August 2007.
Sub. PSC Focused Inspection Program to be conducted by AMSA (The sixth stage)
No. TEC- 0464(114kb) Contact. SMD Issued on. 25 June 2002
  This tech became null and void29 August 2007.
Sub. ISM Code Concentrated Inspection Campaign by Paris MOU
No. TEC- 0446(33kb) Contact. EQD Issued on. 01 April 2002
Sub. Changeover in Geodetic Datum of Nautical Charts issued from Hydrographic Department of Japan Coast Guard to the World Geodetic System (WGS-84) and matters to be attended
No. TEC- 0445(38kb) Contact. SMD Issued on. 29 March 2002
Sub. Reporting by Surveyors of Evidence of Possible Safety Management System Failures
No. TEC- 0443(92kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 25 March 2002
  This tech became null and void01 August 2002.
Sub. PSC Focused Inspection Program to be conducted by AMSA (The fifth stage)
No. TEC- 0431(138kb) Contact. CLD Issued on. 20 December 2001
  This tech became null and void09 August 2007.
Sub. Amendment to forms for SC, SE and SF Certificate forms in accordance with IMO resolutions MSC.91(72) and MSC.92(72)
No. TEC- 0430(180kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 12 December 2001
  This tech became null and void02 April 2002.
Sub. PSC Focused Inspection Program to be conducted by AMSA (The fourth stage)
No. TEC- 0413(1096kb) Contact. SMD Issued on. 30 July 2001
Sub. IACS Recommendation relating to ISM Code "A Guide to Managing Maintenance"
No. TEC- 0412(233kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 26 July 2001
  This tech became null and void02 April 2002.
Sub. PSC Focused Inspection Program to be conducted by AMSA (The third stage)
No. TEC- 0405(141kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 15 July 2001
Sub. Piping Arrangement of Bilge Discharge from Machinery Spaces through Oily Water Separators
No. TEC- 0397(287kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 26 March 2001
  This tech became null and void02 April 2002.
Sub. Recent Status of PSC conducted by AMSA
No. TEC- 0393(130kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 23 February 2001
  This tech became null and void31 December 2001.
Sub. Paris MOU Concentrated Inspection Campaign on Cargo Securing
No. TEC- 0388(256kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 25 December 2000
  This tech became null and void02 April 2002.
Sub. PSC Focused Inspection Program to be conducted by AMSA
No. TEC- 0377(228kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 21 September 2000
  This tech became null and void01 September 2022.
Sub. Oil Analysis as Part of the Preventive Maintenance System for Oil Lubricated Propeller Shafts
No. TEC- 0322(189kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 04 August 1999
Sub. Maintenance of Sea Water/Sanitary Piping in Engine Rooms and Sea Water Piping on Weather Decks
No. TEC- 0318(178kb) Contact. SMD Issued on. 01 July 1999
Sub. Corrective action required by PSC with regard to ISM-related non-conformity caused by poor maintenance of ship and its equipment
No. TEC- 0307(487kb) Contact. MCD Issued on. 19 April 1999
Sub. MARPOL73/78 Annex V "Regulations for the prevention of pollution by garbage from ships"
No. TEC- 0172(75kb) Contact. SVD Issued on. 21 December 1995
Sub. A pump used both for an oily water separator and sludge transfer