出版物名 |
発行日 |
無線LANの船舶への適用 (概要)
2011/11/01 |
液化水素運搬船ガイドライン (2017年3月) (概要)
近年、クリーンなエネルギー源として最も有望視されているものの一つである水素を液化水素として輸送する方法(液化水素輸送)が検討されている。一方、MSC97(第97 回海上安全委員会)では液化水素運搬の特有の危険性を考慮したMSC.420(97) INTERIM RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CARRIAGE OF LIQUEFIED HYDROGEN IN BULKが正式に採択された。 本ガイドラインは,上記暫定勧告をベースに,各項目をより具体的な要件として規定し,また一部要件を補完してガイドラインとしてとりまとめたものである。 本ガイドラインの規定的な要件を満たすことに加え,同じく実施が要求されている個々のプロジェクトにおけるリスク評価で同定された危険源に対しても適切な対策を施すことにより,液化水素運搬船の安全性は十分確保されると考える。
2017/03/24 |
液化ガス運搬船(独立球形タンクタイプB 方式)の船体構造強度に関するガイドライン (2016年8月) (概要)
2016/08/30 |
浮体式海洋液化天然ガス及び石油ガス生産,貯蔵,積出し,再ガス化設備のためのガイドライン (第4版) (2016年11月) (概要)
本ガイドラインは,LNG,LPGの生産,貯蔵,積出し設備(LNG/LPG FPSO)及びLNGの受入れ,貯蔵,再ガス化設備(LNG FSRU)に対する技術要件を取り纏めたものである。第4版ではIMO IGCコードの改正により改正された鋼船規則N編と整合を取るべく,本ガイドライン内の参照を改めた。
2016/11/01 |
構造用接着剤使用のためのガイドライン (2015年12月) (概要)
2015/12/28 |
技術サービス規則 (2017年7月) (概要)
2017/07/01 |
受検の手引き 2025
2025/01/06 |
ロシア海域航行のためのガイドライン (2009年6月) (概要)
2009/06/01 |
フェーズドアレイ超音波探傷試験による非破壊検査ガイドライン (2020年3月) (概要)
2020/03/30 |
タンカーの構造強度に関するガイドライン(2001年11月) (概要)
2001/11/01 |
コンテナの積付け及び固縛に関するガイドライン(第2版)(2014年12月) (概要)
2015/03/31 |
ばら積貨物船の構造強度に関するガイドライン(2002年8月) (概要)
2002/08/01 |
Risk Assessment Guidelines (Oct. 2009) (概要)
An introduction to risk assessment based upon ClassNK’s findings obtained after implementation of the IMO’s ”Formal Safety Assessment (FSA)” risk assessment technique for ships and maritime affairs as well as studies related to risk assessment methods. Provides numerous examples of the practical application of the FSA and sumarizes all revisions made to the FSA since their establishment.
2009/10/01 |
The Society shall carry out technical services in accordance with these regulations.
2017/07/01 |
This pocket checklist is prepared for being used by the vessel’s crew prior to arrival into port, as a result of statistical analysis and investigation of the deficiencies pointed out by the Port State Control officers on ships classed by NK, in order to minimize the risk of the ship being detained.
2009/12/25 |
Guidelines on Shipboard Wireless LAN Systems (Spanish) (Nov. 2011) (概要)
Guidelines on Shipboard Wireless LAN System (Spanish) (Nov. 2011) is to inform technical requirements, rules & standards, implementation of installation.
2011/11/01 |
Guidelines on Shipboard Wireless LAN Systems (Portuguese) (Nov. 2011) (概要)
Guidelines on Shipboard Wireless LAN Systems (Portuguese) (Nov. 2011) is to inform technical requirements, rules & standards, implementation of installation.
2011/11/01 |
Guidelines on Shipboard Wireless LAN Systems (Korean) (Nov. 2011) (概要)
Guidelines on Shipboard Wireless LAN System (Korean) (Nov. 2011) is to inform technical requirements, rules & standards, implementation of installation.
2011/11/01 |
Guidelines on Shipboard Wireless LAN Systems (Chinese) (Nov. 2011) (概要)
Guidelines on Shipboard Wireless LAN Systems (Chinese) (Nov. 2011) is to inform technical requirements, rules & standards, implementation of installation.
2011/11/01 |
Guidelines for Non-destructive Inspection by Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (Mar. 2020) (概要)
This guideline summarizes the requirements for the application of non-destructive testing using phased array ultrasonic testing.
2020/03/30 |
Guidelines for Navigating Ice Covered Seas in Russian Territorial Waters (Oct. 2009) (概要)
Guidelines serve as a reference for ships intending to navigate Russian territorial waters of the Arctic Ocean. Guidelines provide information on the requiremts placed on such ships by the Russian Government, necessary procedures, and design specification standards applicable to ships operating in low temperature and sea ice areas, etc.
2009/10/01 |
Guidelines for Naval and Government Ships (Sep. 2015) (概要)
This Guidelines summarize the specific requirements for Naval and Government ships which are deemed necessary by ClassNK in respect of survey, construction, installation, material, equipment and machinery, etc.
2015/09/30 |
Guidelines for Liquefied Hydrogen Carriers (Mar. 2017) (概要)
Hydrogen is seen as one of the most prospective sources given its environmental merit, and transport in form of liquefied hydrogen (LH2 technology) is under development as for the transportation of hydrogen. Furthermore, INTERIM RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CARRIAGE OF LIQUEFIED HYDROGEN IN BULK as IMO Resolution MSC.420(97) is approved, adopted and produced at MSC97 (Maritime Safety Committee, 97th session). These guidelines provide comprehensive requirements for the design and construction of liquefied hydrogen carriers by making the above interim recommendations re-structured and more usable and partly supplementing them. It is believed that required safety of liquefied hydrogen carriers can be secured if designed and constructed in accordance with the prescriptive requirements of the guidelines as well as taking additional measures as necessary that may be imposed by the results of the risk assessment required for individual project by the guidelines.
2017/03/24 |
Guidelines for Liquefied Gas Carrier Hull Structures - Independent Spherical Tanks of Type B - (August 2016) (概要)
The assessment procedures for hull structural strength for liquefied gas carrier with independent spherical tanks of type B, which is commonly called MOSS type LNG carrier, are specified in the Guidelines. The Guidelines consisit of the guidelines for direct strength analysis, in which yield strength assessment and buckling strength assessment are specified, and the guidelines for fatigue strength asessment.
2016/08/30 |
Guidelines for Floating Offshore Facilities for LNG/LPG Production, Storage, Offloading and Regasification (Fourth Edition) (Nov. 2016) (概要)
The Guidelines were developed to lay out specific technical requirements for floating offshore facilities for LNG/LPG production, storage and offloading (LNG/LPG FPSOs) as well as floating offshore facilities for LNG storage and regasification (LNG FSRUs). The fourth edition of the guidelines has been released reflecting the changes made to Part N of the Rules for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships, which is based upon IMO IGC Code.
2016/11/01 |
Guidelines for Container Stowage and Securing Arrangements (Second Edition) (Dec. 2014) (概要)
As the amount and size of recent container carriers increase, it has become increasingly important to evaluate the adequacy of container stowage and securing arrangements. These guidelines describe the strength evaluation methods for safer container stowage and securing arrangements.
2015/03/31 |
Guidelines for Compressed Natural Gas Carriers (Jul. 2015) (概要)
The guidelines consist of safety requirements applicable to CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) carriers based on the IGC Code (International code for the construction and equipment of ships carrying liquefied gases in bulk) as well as additional requirements taking specific hazards arising from the handling of CNG into consideration.
2015/07/30 |
This guidance gives the point on the survey items and the related requirements as well as on the necessary preparations to be made for surveys including documentation. This guidance also helps the survey applicants who are ship owners or their representative to arrange the surveys expeditiously and economically as scheduled.
2025/01/06 |
The material provide checklist of statutory requirements in order to improve maintenance of ships. Checklists for PSC inspection including common deficiencies and ISM code, ISPS code and MLC, 2006 are also provided.
2017/10/31 |
CNG運搬船ガイドライン (2015年7月) (概要)
2015/07/30 |